Eben Alexander and Karen Newell

The first book about my NDE, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife (2012), hit a resounding chord with readers around the world, and yet I felt that the title prevented some in the scientific community from reading the book. Those who have read it realize that it is a commentary on the nature of the mind-brain relationship, and especially of the fundamental nature of consciousness itself. While my story certainly supports the reality of an afterlife, the book is far from being just a discourse on “heaven.”

The revelations of my message address the very fundamental nature of reality and human experience, and cover territory well beyond the question of whether or not some aspect of consciousness survives the death of the brain and body. Such knowledge is directly relevant to how we approach life in myriad ways. It is a mistake to assume that Proof of Heaven is simply a clear-cut confirmation of the teachings of modern-day Christianity (an accusation from close-minded skeptics who I’m convinced have not read the book, but rather are simply recoiling at the title). Of course, my overall message greatly supports the original teachings of Christ, which places love as the central guiding force and stresses the connectedness we share through love, but it is not limited to Christians alone.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Eben Alexander III, Karen Newell

Many times each month, I am asked to give interviews and presentations.  In a recent interview conducted by Elise Loehnen in New York, while Karen Newell and I were guest presenters at Gwyneth Paltrow’s in Goop Health event, we were able to crystallize the main points of our message succinctly. The appropriately titled podcast (one that makes our message accessible to all), “Is there Proof of a Spiritual Universe?” was posted on May 24, 2018, and we felt it would be of particular value to our friends and followers to hear it. Also just posted is a Goop Q&A with Karen where she discusses her own path of spiritual awakening.

The spiritual realm is not exclusive to any one group of people – it is accessible to us all and this fact greatly affects how we live our lives here and now. My books and talks have resulted in a deluge of communications from practitioners of some of the deep mystical traditions of many faiths (Kabbalah, Christianity, Islam, Sufism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Bahá’í Faith, among others), confirming the resonance of my journey and message with their own understandings. I can’t stress enough that our message is for all humans. But, at its core, my mission and process are scientific, based on personal experience and on a modern rational approach to understanding how best to interpret such experiences in drawing conclusions about the nature of reality.

My second book, The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People are Proving the Afterlife (2014), demonstrated the ubiquity of such spiritually-transformative experiences across all cultures, religions, belief systems, and millennia. From a scientific point of view, Proof of Heaven was a question-mark that challenged the status quo. But my newest book, Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness is much more about the modern scientific study of the brain and mind, and certainly goes much further in trying to get to some answers about how to understand it all. Some of these deep scientific concepts, and their importance to us as spiritual beings living in a spiritual universe, are crucial in trying to heal our somewhat broken world.

This process of awakening will ultimately involve the synthesis of both our scientific and our spiritual nature as human beings. Some physicists are already comfortable with the notion of our universe being fundamentally mental, not physical, based on a maturing view of the metaphysics underlying the experimental results in quantum physics. The deepest lessons and refined experiments in quantum physics nudge us gently toward this realization.

And the wealth of human encounters that include near-death experiences and similar spiritually-transformative experiences richly opens our understanding of ourselves and our universe so that the most reasonable conclusion involves the fact that all of our existence is spiritual, in the sense that our lives matter. We are here for a reason, and we have great responsibility for our choices in how we deal with our fellow beings. Acknowledgement of the scientific underpinnings of our spiritual nature will help in this grand awakening of humanity. Replacing our erroneous materialist (or physicalist) world view with one based in our connectedness and purpose, i.e., our spiritual nature, will provide the most beneficial revolution in the history of human thought.


Today, Thursday November 16, 2017, marks the ninth anniversary of my return to the world after a seven-day coma due to bacterial meningitis – an illness that my doctors agreed most likely should have killed me. Their evidence that the human part of my brain, the neocortex, was too badly incapacitated for anything but the most primitive conscious awareness proved to be incompatible with the extraordinary experience I witnessed deep in coma, with features consistent with similar human experiences reported over millennia.

Of course, I have come to see my miraculous recovery and the extraordinary experience I witnessed deep in coma as a beautiful gift to be shared with the world. As my medical colleagues agreed, such a journey could not be simply dismissed as a hallucination, drug effect or dream because of the documented damage to my neocortex. My first book, Proof of Heaven (Simon & Schuster, 2012), marked the initial step in that reporting, but it represents a question mark in my journey, more than any kind of actual answer. Millions of people realized it represented a confirmation of an infinitely loving force at the creative source of our lives, but the deeper nature of that love remained elusive. But, as a scientist, I now had a far grander vision of the cosmos from my personal experience, one that demanded explanation. Such understanding did not result from the experience itself, but has necessitated a lifetime path of integrating my understanding of all such evidence from within the framework of science. Thus, I bask in my ongoing journey, which parallels the revelations coming to the scientific world in our ongoing voyage of discovery around the very nature of consciousness itself.

I have learned so much in the nine years since first awakening, in a journey of discovery, documented in my latest book, Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness (Rodale Books, 2017), that has involved thousands of other people around this planet, including many of the brilliant and courageous scientists who are addressing the deep mystery of consciousness – of the relationship between mind and brain. This voyage of discovery is of crucial value to us all, because many of our conclusions about the nature of reality hinge on the direction in which the mind-body debate flows.

The answer emerging from the scientific study of the nature of consciousness is one that is contrary to the prevailing views of conventional materialist neuroscience (and thus of our culture at large), and in ways that are most exciting and bring cause for great hope and optimism for the human race. They suggest that we are all truly bound together experiencing life within the One Mind, a source of unbounded love, comfort and purpose. The greatest commonality between the world’s religious systems, that we should “do unto others as we would wish done unto ourselves,” seems to be written into the very fabric of this loving force that binds the universe together through consciousness itself. Our free will choices are crucial in defining the larger course of our lives, and especially in contributing to the universal evolution of consciousness itself. We will reap what we sow, and thus should adhere as best as possible to the golden rule stated above.

However, science and spirituality remain stuck in their current impasses, unless they are to be wed together, which is their true destiny. We live in an age when that marriage becomes a very real possibility. My effort to catalyze that hopeful vision comes in the form of my just-released book, Living in a Mindful Universe, co-authored with my life partner, Karen Newell. We are very optimistic that it represents “proof of heaven” for the rest of us – for open-minded skeptics, and for those who might not have read a book with the word “heaven” in the title. Of course, it also deeply confirms the beliefs that many have in an afterlife, of the connectedness of our souls that outlasts the death of the physical body, and especially in an infinitely loving God. But now, the support comes mainly from science (especially quantum physics, which essentially demands this spiritual truth) and from the analysis of extraordinary human experience and examination of the very fundament of consciousness itself.  As Werner Heisenberg (1901 – 1976), winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics 1932, so famously said: “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”

The companion online workbook to our new book is a completely free 33-day email course that includes a major topic of the book sent out each day, with an accompanying practice, and on many days additional resources (such as links to other books and articles, and also four Sacred Acoustics audio recordings to help people achieve deep states of transcendental conscious awareness, connecting with that primordial mind). The best part of the 33-day course is that individuals from all over the world (given the translate function available on the page to offer it to speakers of many languages) share comments and experiences on each page – a beautiful growing community of like-minded seekers from around the globe.

So, in reflecting on my return to this beautiful and loving world nine years ago today, I am comforted to be sharing the growing comprehension of my journey with the world, as humanity finally rises up to the beauty of our shared destiny – one that offers hope and promise of a better world just beginning to dawn, one of peace, harmony, and fellowship to every being in existence.

Peace and blessings to you all!

We are thrilled today to announce the release of the book that picks right up where Proof of Heaven (2012) left off. As tempting as it was after awakening from coma to simply accept my extraordinary healing and current well-being as an inexplicable miracle, I couldn’t do that. Instead, I was driven to find an explanation for the incredible journey I took during that coma—a sensory experience that completely defies our conventional neuro-scientific concepts of the role of the neocortex in detailed conscious awareness.

In Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, co-authored with Karen Newell, we take the reader through my personal journey of discovery, including interactions with other scientists, spiritual teachers and fellow journeyers in the quest to answer some of the deepest questions humans can ask. Does mind over matter really work? Do our loved ones hear our prayers? Can I really communicate with my departed grandmother? Are our souls eternal? Why are we here? What is our purpose?

There is a rapidly growing realization in the fields of the neuroscience of consciousness and philosophy of mind that our conventional view of the brain and consciousness is fatally and irrevocably flawed – the deeper relationships emerging are of life-shifting relevance to us all. The stunning awakening now underway is hinged directly in the mysterious depths of quantum physics, which not only allow for the reality of the spiritual realm – they demand it, with very powerful implications for the reality of primordial consciousness, or God.

This discussion is fascinating, one to which the whole world should be privy – yet most people have no inkling of the profound shifts in understanding coming to the scientific community even now. The picture emerging from the most advanced reaches of scientific investigation in the mind-body debate is quite contrary to our conventional viewpoint.

Many of our foundational assumptions about the nature of reality hinge on the directions in which that debate flows. Any notion of meaning and purpose of our existence, of connection with others and the universe, of our very sense of free will, and even of such concepts as an afterlife and reincarnation—all of these deep issues depend directly on the outcome of the mind-body debate. The relationship between mind and brain is thus one of the most profound and important mysteries in all of human thought – and a revolution in understanding appears imminent.

As a seeker of truth, you clearly don’t have to wait for the world’s scientific community to awaken to all of this – you can start taking advantage of this revolutionary shift in understanding towards deeper understanding and wholeness. It is all about developing a richer interaction with the consciousness within you, that actually originates from the creative source of all that is.

Our new book, Living in a Mindful Universe (Rodale Books, published 17 October 2017), explains this world-changing shift in scientific understanding around the mind-body problem, and outlines numerous ways in which the individual seeker can take their journey to a higher level, by comprehending the deep message concerning the power of our free will to manifest the world of our dreams. The most straightforward benefit is achieving wholeness, of the body, mind, spirit – and soul. As we become more of who we are meant to be, finding the creativity, refreshing perspective and broadened awareness of the interrelationships in our existence, this allows us to live our lives as richly as possible to grow to our highest potential.

Join us on this journey of human awakening – no soul left behind!

We live in fascinating times. The world at large, as well as the scientific community, are in the process of an unprecedented awakening that we see as an inherent part of human destiny over the last few millennia.

This awakening is empowered by our very investigations into the nature of consciousness, and into the metaphysics underlying the mysterious workings of quantum physics.

This investigation into the fundamental nature of reality is directly relevant to us all, ultimately leading to far more meaning and purpose to our existence. We have much greater power over our lives, and over the emerging consensus reality, than we have previously been led to believe.

Our modern world often puts science and spirituality at two ends of a spectrum. In this complimentary 33-day course, we bring them together as a companion to the book, Living in a Mindful Universe. The course serves as a sneak preview, including bite-sized nuggets of complex topics.

Personally, I find it most satisfying that Day 1 of the course begins on my father’s birthday. Although he passed from this world in 2004, four years before my coma, he has had a profound influence on my ongoing journey – it is fitting that this 33-day course launches on the anniversary of his birth.

Receive a new lesson each day along with daily practices and access to unlimited streaming of four Sacred Acoustics recordings, all completely free—no soul left behind!

Sign up today and begin Your 33-Day Journey into the Heart of Consciousness.

Ever since my coma due to severe gram-negative bacterial meningo-encephalitis in 2008, I have come to see that all physical, mental, and emotional healing benefits first and foremost from a basis in spiritual healing. By spiritual, I mean an awareness that we are purposefully and meaningfully connected with others, all of life, and the universe at large, including its divine creative source. We are here to learn and teach, and the challenges in life (including illness and injury) provide the stepping stones for growth in this “soul school.” Our growth depends on how we respond to those challenges, and progress results from recovering our sense of connection with the universe and the higher purpose of our existence. Ultimately, such powerful healing emerges from love of self, and others, ideally without any attached conditions.

I recently had the opportunity to support two wonderful new books on the human capacity to heal, and to write an article that addressed my thoughts on healing in modern medicine. All three of these efforts provided elucidation of the reality of profound healing through the application of our deeply spiritual nature. While some in medicine might debate the role our spirituality plays in the process of healing, I believe that awakening to such concepts (independently of any orthodox religious framework, if necessary) can enable quite remarkable enhancement in achieving overall health.

Dr. Anna Yusim asked me to write a foreword to her new book Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful Life (New York: Hachette Book Group, 2017). Her wonderful book is filled with clinical examples from her busy New York City psychiatric practice. She makes a very powerful case for the value of spiritual awareness in the process of healing her patients, and leading them into far more productive and joyful lives through her psychospiritual approach.

I have also endorsed Dr. Nauman Naeem’s new book Healing from the Inside Out: Overcome Chronic Disease and Radically Change Your Life (Forres, Scotland, UK: Findhorn Press, 2017), releasing on September 12, 2017.  As a critical care physician, his career has involved the care of many very ill medical patients. His book reveals a profound sense of insight into the details of his patients’ lives, and an analysis and understanding of very deep interconnections that allow for refreshing insights as to the potential for spiritual healing. His comprehension is so deep that natural consequences of his narration include the general benefits of finding our very purpose in life as well as how individual healing can make the world a far better place for others, too. His depth of insight is rarely encountered in a modern medical book, showing us how we can all influence our own return to wholeness, thus healing.

Finally, my article on the extraordinary and miraculous healings often found in the near-death experience literature concludes that profound spiritual insights and experiences are often associated with healing that far exceeds the expectations of modern western medicine. Again, such spiritual healing dominates in the emergence of any associated physical, mental and emotional healing. Although identification of the exact mechanisms involved is still incomplete, plenty of evidence exists to support the more robust study of these miraculous cases.

We will cover this topic in much more detail in our upcoming book, Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness (New York: Rodale), due out in North America and the United Kingdom on October 17, 2017. Feel free to preorder it here.


We will also discuss healing as part of two upcoming experiential weekend retreats.

You can join us on the East Coast at the legendary Omega Institute to Ride the Wave of Consciousness on August 25-27.  Register at Omega

On the West Coast, experience the brand new 1440 Multiversity retreat center and go Behind the Illusion to Reveal the Soul’s Journey on September 22-24. Register at 1440

Coming Soon!
Living in a Mindful Universe

As you may have heard or seen, I’ve written another book that I am looking forward to sharing with you all.

On October 17, 2017, Rodale Books will publish my latest work, Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into the Heart of Consciousness, which I’ve co-authored with Karen Newell, co-founder of Sacred Acoustics. Those who know us will recognize the valuable nature of her contributions.

Living in a Mindful Universe relates the emerging view of consciousness that is revolutionizing the scientific community, and is, in many ways, the continuation of my journey since writing Proof of Heaven. This journey parallels an unprecedented shift in the western scientific paradigm that, when fully incorporated, will lead to far more meaning and purpose in our lives. Read more

True open-minded skepticism is our greatest ally in trying to better understand the mind-brain connection as it is revealed through the extraordinary lens of near-death experiences (NDEs).

True skeptics will thus greatly appreciate the rich presentation of NDEs in a new landmark book, The Self Does Not Die, originally published in the Netherlands in 2013 and recently expanded into an English edition. The authors, Titus Rivas, Anna Dirven and Rudolf H. Smit, have gone to great lengths to objectively analyze over 100 cases of veridical perception during NDEs, when the brain (according to the accepted principles of modern neuroscience) was in no condition to support such conscious experiences. The quality of empirical data and the objective assessment and refutation of possible materialist interpretations make this book a refreshing, and very worthwhile, read.

The authors begin with 14 cases of extrasensory perceptions of the patients’ immediate bodily environment. Then they progress through 18 cases of such perceptions beyond the range of the patients’ physical environment. Next they describe 36 cases of such perceptions, including the oft-discussed case of Pam Reynolds, during conditions incompatible with any conscious awareness – many of these well-documented cases occurred during cardiac arrest. Four robust cases of telepathy are examined where either the NDEer had a telepathic experience in relation to someone else, or alternatively, where someone had a telepathic awareness of the NDEer. Here they recount the extraordinary case of George Rodonaia, who was declared clinically dead for three days. After-death communications (ADCs) of NDEers with both strangers (5 cases) and with people familiar to them (6 cases) are then shared. Seven observations of NDEers having out-of-body experiences are then reported, including several in which others at a distance perceived the NDEer being out of body, and vice versa.

The authors include ten fascinating cases of healing in NDEers that are inexplicable by current medical science (so-called “miraculous healing”), including such well-known cases as Anita Moorjani and Mellen-Thomas Benedict. Finally, they cover four cases of paranormal psychic abilities, such as after-death communications (ADCs), extrasensory perception (ESP), psychokinesis (PK) and precognitive dreams after NDEs. They conclude by pointing out the materialist explanations for such phenomena are illogical and inadequate (including extensive discussion of the extreme tactics involved in trying to debunk my book Proof of Heaven).

In short, this book goes a long way towards eliminating once and for all the feeble counterclaims of the materialist position which tries to deny, ignore and generally dismiss some of these truly remarkable NDE accounts.

The Self Does Not Die is an important and timely book that offers significant empirical support to the emerging scientific view that consciousness is fundamental in the universe, and that the soul exists and does not depend on the physical brain for its conscious expression.

As one studies the scientific evidence included in this book and recent works on the mind-brain relationship (eg. Irreducible Mind and Beyond Physicalism, etc.), it becomes clear that to reach a deeper understanding, we must reject the materialist position. These empirical data refute the production model, which states that the brain produces consciousness out of physical matter. Rather, the filter model (i.e., that the brain serves as a receiver of primordial consciousness) is far more reasonable in accounting for all the available evidence. Sooner or later, the sheer frustration with the ongoing inadequacies of materialist pseudo-explanations will nudge the prevailing western paradigm towards the deeper truth, as it is objectively represented in this remarkable book.

Karen Newell and I invite you to attend one of our upcoming multi-sensory evenings or workshops to explore the mind-brain relationship firsthand.

Please see our Events page for full details.


Rivas, Titus, Anna Dirven and Rudolf H. Smit. The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences, Durham, NC: IANDS Publications, 2016.

Kelly, Edward F., Emily Williams Kelly, Adam Crabtree, Alan Gauld, Michael Grosso, and Bruce Greyson. Irreducible Mind: Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.

Kelly, Edward F, Adam Crabtree, and Paul Marshall (eds). Beyond Physicalism: Toward Reconciliation of Science and Spirituality, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.

We were so excited to see that Proof is back at #1 on Amazon’s list of top neuroscience books. Thanks to everyone who has recommended Proof of Heaven to their friends, libraries, and others in their community.

In hindsight, the message in Proof was timely.  Dr. Alexander’s study of the relationship between science and faith (much of which is in Map of Heaven as well as interviews that are freely available on this website) has made it clear that this is a critical time in our understanding of the universe. It built on the NDE and STE research that had come before it, including hot-off-the-presses books and studies.  But it’s also a story that continues to resonate with people, and readers tell us it feels just as fresh and important today as it did when Dr. Alexander’s experience happened in 2008, or when his book describing it was published in 2012.  And anyone who’s had a chance to read The Map of Heaven knows that his story also resonates with stories from centuries–even millennia–earlier.

So thanks for joining Dr. Alexander on this journey, and for continuing to support him as his research digs deeper into history, medicine, cosmology, and his life’s work in neuroscience.  We’re so glad that readers are continuing to find their way to Proof of Heaven and Map of Heaven, and to recommend those books to others.

proof at #1 on amazon

Read Excerpts from THE MAP OF HEAVEN

We’re excited that the final part of UK newspaper The Daily Mail‘s 3-part series on THE MAP OF HEAVEN is available online.

You can read all three parts by clicking here for part I, here for part II, and here for part III.

Over the last two years, PROOF OF HEAVEN has been translated into 37 languages, from Afrikaans to Bulgarian to Chinese to Dutch.  Pretty incredible to think how many people all over the world–people brought up in different cultural and religious traditions, speaking different languages–picked up a copy of PROOF OF HEAVEN and found it resonated with them.

Connecting with people across the world has been a joy, one we hope continues with Eben’s second book.  Today we can announce the list of editions of THE MAP OF HEAVEN:

Country / Publisher [last updated 12/12]

Australia / Macmillan [10/7/14]
Brazil / Sextante
Czech Republic / Fortuna
Finland / WSOY
France / Tredaniel [update: will be published Jan ’15]
Germany / Ansata
Hungary / Agave
Italy / Mondadori

Japan/Hayakawa  (being translated as of 12/18/14)
Korea / Gimmyoung
Netherlands / Bruna
Norway / Cappelen Damm
Poland / Znak [on shelves now!]
Russia / Centrepolygraph
Slovakia / Fortuna
Spain / Planeta
Spanish language-US / Simon & Schuster [11/4/14]

Spanish language-Latin America [on shelves now!]
Sweden / Forum
UK / Piatkus [10/7/14]

What edition are you reading?