We were so excited to see that Proof is back at #1 on Amazon’s list of top neuroscience books. Thanks to everyone who has recommended Proof of Heaven to their friends, libraries, and others in their community. In hindsight, the message in Proof was timely.  Dr. Alexander’s study of the relationship between science and faith (much of which is in Map […]

Read Excerpts from THE MAP OF HEAVEN We’re excited that the final part of UK newspaper The Daily Mail‘s 3-part series on THE MAP OF HEAVEN is available online. You can read all three parts by clicking here for part I, here for part II, and here for part III.

Over the last two years, PROOF OF HEAVEN has been translated into 37 languages, from Afrikaans to Bulgarian to Chinese to Dutch.  Pretty incredible to think how many people all over the world–people brought up in different cultural and religious traditions, speaking different languages–picked up a copy of PROOF OF HEAVEN and found it resonated […]

THE MAP OF HEAVEN was released on Tuesday (Oct 7), and since then Eben has spoken to folks in New York, Boston, and Western MA. And with the release of this book, I’ve been fielding interview requests from everyone from Dr. Oz to the BBC to foreign-language press.  TGIF, and a long weekend to boot. […]

Today is the day!  October 7 is here, and THE MAP OF HEAVEN is on bookshelves and shipping out from major retailers in the US and UK.   Eben kicked off the MAP OF HEAVEN book tour with interviews on Fox & Friends and Kilmeade & Friends, and is at the Open Center in New […]

Eben Alexander III MD

Eben Alexander M.D.

Eben Alexander, MD, was an academic neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston, with a passionate interest in physics and cosmology. He is the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Proof of Heaven and The Map of Heaven. His third book, co-authored with Karen Newell, Living in a Mindful Universe, was released in October 2017. Learn more…


A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness

Living in a Mindful Universe by Dr. Eben Alexander

Releases October 17, 2017

Learn more…

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