Your Progress

In our effort to explain the nature and workings of the world, we must explain these cases of well-documented past-life memories in children with no other way of having acquired the memories.

Living in a Mindful Universe

Scientific research of past-life memories is focused on young children, typically age 3-7, who spontaneously report that they have another family or formerly lived somewhere else, or who describe details of events that have not taken place in their current lives, yet can sometimes be proven to have occurred many years before their birth.

Researchers meticulously search historical records and family connections to compare reports to actual events, applying strict discernment as to how and from whom the data are collected, in order to eliminate the possibility of fraud. The Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia has assembled mored than 2,500 such cases.

Some cases have specifically identified the previous personality the child claims to have been. Some children display curious behaviors or exceptional abilities; others name specific locations or recognize former family members.

More than 200 cases have been documented where birthmarks or abnormalities correspond to usually fatal wounds, such as where a bullet or knife entered the body, that occurred in the previous lifetime. The memory of such a trauma, or cause of death, somehow seems to affect the physical body.

Remarkably, many children report that they chose their parents and sometimes witnessed family events that took place prior to entering their mother’s womb. These reports add up to an impressive database of findings that beg our acceptance and invite us to dive even deeper into their scientific study.


If you have permission to speak to a young child, ask him or her, “Where were you before you were here?” Do not ask leading questions or apply any pressure. Have no expectations and positively accept any answer they may provide.