Becoming more conscious of our unconscious decision-making process allows for greater awareness of how our unfolding reality comes into being.
Every choice we make has an underlying motivation, whether we consciously realize it or not. A responsible choice is one that takes into account the intention behind it. Everyone has the free will to choose with full accountability and move beyond the programs that run beneath our superficial level of awareness.
The choice to address limiting beliefs can be a useful key to making significant changes in life. Once identified, changing one’s underlying beliefs can be challenging, but well worth the effort it takes.
To assist in choosing beneficial changes in your beliefs, imagine how your life might be affected after adopting a new belief. Envision yourself moving through life with that fresh outlook and project how it might impact different situations.
It’s like trying on new shoes to see how they fit. You can walk around a bit first to see how they feel before making a firm commitment. Consciously decide if you wish to adopt a new belief and own your decision.
An example is a belief such as “I can’t meditate.” Such a statement might prevent you from being successful at meditation. Replacing this statement with “I am capable of meditating” is an excellent step towards changing such a limiting belief.
As you identify your personal limiting beliefs (see previous day’s exercise), decide if you wish to change any of them. Using your inner observer, pay attention to when such limiting statements arise in your thoughts or spoken words, then say to yourself the word “cancel” and replace the statement with one that is more supportive.
When God is all unconditional love ,
why is there something called hell? And why do souls get punished?
The notion of God as pure unconditional love is one that has strong support in the majority of NDEs over millennia, independent of prior belief systems. This God is not judgmental, but in the pure light of that healing love, most of the lesser actions of humans appear noxiously meager and worthy of improvement. Witnessing one’s life review in the presence of that perfectly loving God force at the core of our very existence/awareness helps clarify where we might have manifested more love/kindness/compassion/mercy in our actions, making life reviews a beautiful corrective mechanism in the process of repeated incarnations. Our notions of hell come from, for example, life review when we have fallen well short of the loving ideal, handing out excessive pain and suffering to others, then have to feel the emotional impact of our actions through the Life Review process of becoming the other. Life reviews reveal that boundaries of self are a fiction that support the maya (illusion) of this material life, that we are all facets of the gem of the one mind (but not truly separate selves). The One Mind is consciousness evolving through this interactive process. No punishment, just learning/teaching/growth.
Eben, how can the life review be such a beautiful corrective mechanism in the process of repeated incarnations, when we can’t remember those lessons when we incarnate? It’s like we’re left to struggle with trial and error to figure it out!!
Asking daily “How well have I loved?” is the only thing that resonates as a way to gauge my progress….
Beautifully said and appreciated. Om
I think there’s no hell. We are punished on earth by God before our eternal life. For example if we do good deeds God will take us happily and if we do bad/wrong things then we are punished on earth by getting sick/bed ridden/stroke/paralisyed etc. I hope this makes sense.
Last week my husband was very frustrated with his struggle with the technology needed at home to maintain his job as an educator during the lock down. He kept saying “I am not programmed to “get” this stuff. My mind was not built to understand it as well as my younger coworkers who have had these technologies since they were born.” I told him, “You have to flip that. You have to say to yourself, “I am totally capable of understanding this and it will come to me with time and practice.” I explained to him that *saying* he couldn’t meant he never will. I further told him that those beliefs are exactly what was prohibiting him from learning them. Fast forward a couple of weeks….he ended up having an easier time, his job was changed to on-camera teacher for the videos children will watch at home. His supervisors acknowledged that being a producer was not a good fit for him and they put him in the role he has zero problems with (and constantly says how teaching is his best skill.) Go figure!
Tomorrow, November 12th, it will be 2 months since my husband, Vinny transitioned. My heart still aches as, if, just happened.
There are times I have a lot of self defeating thoughts but my husband and I would catch ourselves and would replace the thoughts with something more positive. We would, in fact stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom and would say out loud what would make us feel better.
I will give it my best shot at trying to think more positively with heavenly help and, try to make better choices for a better outcome in my beliefs and attitude.
Blessings, Eben and Karen
Wow, Anne. Thank you for sharing! Struck by how lucky you are to have found a partner you shared affirmation mirror exercises with! There’s an intimacy in something like that that’s very rare. It gives me hope that I might have a love like that one day!
One of the weirdest psychology experiments I ever read claimed to show that we had “Free Won’t” instead of Free Will. People were portrayed as bound to instincts just like animals, but we differ in our ability to choose whether we respond or not. I realize that’s probably splitting hairs, but that experiment made think about the free will issue for quite a while. Isn’t the idea that we are here to learn to love & gain knowledge & experience the best evidence of our free choice? You can learn to better yourself or not. Take it or leave it. The Great Love wants us to be our best, but he/she/it is still there if we refuse to be the best. One of the most unnerving NDE videos I watched was Reverend George Storm. This man suffered horribly in Hell, but was plucked out of it by Jesus. He still said that he was sent to perdition b/c of his choices, not b/c The Great Love wanted it. The Supreme Being never punishes us. We do a fine job all by ourselves!
We all wonder about God’s will vs our will, but often people don’t stop to define their conception of “God”; if I remember I am of God, like a ray from the sun is of the sun, and my true I is Godstuff, the problem sort of disappears. I don’t think that a ray of God, embodied, was meant to be a robot, but rather meant to make choices to see what will happen. Saint Teresa de Avila reminds us that God is a field of light, without gender (my favorite description, but a God with form is fine, of course) and God has no hands. That why we exist. To further creation. To make pizza and learn to be wise. By making choices! For me, surrender to God is surrender to creativity and to making choices so God can express in this reality. Earlier in my life, I would ask, “OK, God, tell me what to do.” And the answer I would get is, “Well, what do you want to do? Hey, surprise me! Let’s see what you can create!”
Excellent all resonates with me. Thanks.
Good day to all
Actually, taking a retrospective of my life I realized that I did not plan my life, as always recommended. I let Life take me >> have a look at ( But I always asked God to show me the way forward to do something useful for many people. I was pulled and pushed forward. But there were opportunities or challenges that I accepted or did not (even when I did not believe in them or thought they were silly from my point of view). Even if the challenges seemed very simple, their summation (when accepted) resulted in something bigger, more important. Certainly these challenges required me to strive to carry out the processes successfully. And when I could not do it myself, I would ask God to help me, and the right people would appear to provide invaluable help. Yes, there are choices for the challenges that life puts you, and they provoke your development. I let it go and let my life take me. When I retired and finished my professional work writing everything in a big book, I thought I could end my life. And there appeared an insistent warning: look for the Kingdom of God. And as I looked for the way to get there I found the letters of Christ (for me the most important text, Jesus spent 42 days studying the spiritual world, before beginning his teaching life), Osho, Dadashri, Amit Goswami, Eben Alexander and others . Yes, we have the choice of being guided by the ego and its restricted knowledge, or by our Source of Life with unfettered knowledge. Christ says that in reality our mission of life is to stop being hard heads, shut up our proud ego (being Sons of man, following the low of least effort), and become channels of expression of the Divine / Infinite Consciousness (developing to Sons of God, according to Jesus, corroborated in Christ letters).
I just completed a session with SA Crystal Portal. I took to heart Albert Einstein‘s statement that “Imagination is everything.”
I have only had a couple of very brief experiences that seemed to transcend my imagination. Both times it was my dogs that seem to come to me and express their love. Once I was a former dog who has gone now and once my current dog who was across the room apparently asleep.
With the Crystal portal, I clearly imagined my way into the Crystal and followed the spiral to someplace else. I began to feel as if I was in a different place but then I let some thoughts about my work creep in and the journey ended before the session did.
Listening to these sacred acoustics recordings has helped me to focus my mind in the rest of my life. I find myself focusing on the moment more, being aware that this moment is all I can control.
It has only been a couple of months so I am very new to meditation. In my daily life I am spending far less time following useless imaginings. More time in the moment and into useful imagination. Focusing on things I need to accomplish, music I am working on, my home life and friends. The important things. Not festering over hurts and people who no longer matter.
I truly believe that my chronic lung problem can be healed. I have been able to use self healing as a technique in the past with other issues. However, no matter what techniques I try, I don’t seem to be able to get rid of my chronic lung problem The hypersensitivity I have together with bronchiectasis has lead to a very isolated life. I am allergic to perfume, dust, chemicals, smoke, fungus, etc so that when I am outside I have to wear a mask. I have not been able to take medication for this – all make the condition worse. Any ideas any one?
Hi Emma
An idea. Maybe you have heard of Dr. Joe Dispenzsa (
If not; it seems that people attending his retreats succesfully heals themselves – even from serious inbalance health conditions.
Love and Grace
Dear Emma,
If you are the type to stick w/ a few exercises (4 standing, 1 hour sitting) & focus on developing your xinxing (shinshing: heart or moral character), then Falun Dafa may heal you. Master Le Hongzhi (hong-jer) modified the exercises of the Buddha School for everyday people. His emphasis is on truthfulness, compassion, & forbearance. As long as you are sincerely striving to cultivate these 3 ideals in yourself, then he will help you. He doesn’t expect you to be perfect, but to be strict w/ your efforts.
The exercises I mentioned above support the changes in your body that he will start according to your efforts. They aren’t even required, but are there to help your benti (all the various bodies you have in all the other dimensions, including this one) be healthy. Meditation is for tranquility so you have a buffer, a little extra time to choose the right way to respond to insults, injuries, & the suffering that come your way. To not insult in return, to not hit, curse, or otherwise react negatively is the key to cultivating your xinxing. It’s the Golden Rule, plain & simple.
Practicing the exercises regularly is the way to get Li’s attention. If your destiny is to be a Falun Dafa practitioner, then you will notice the Falun turning inside your arms while you do the standing exercises. If you are not destined, then you may have to practice for a while before you notice the Falun. In my case, I had to practice for 3 weeks. The Falun, literally “law wheel,” is a rotating, intelligent source of cultivating energy that Li installs in you. It rotates 24 hours a day, slowly changing your body & aiding you in your cultivation.
There are many recorded instances of people healed of disease after practicing for a while. One man had stage 4 liver cancer, but went into remission. Many found it helped them stop excessive drinking & smoking. You can get all the exercises, music, & instruction for cultivation at for free His online books are free or printed ones can be purchased. I strongly recommend that you find someone who can teach you how to do the exercises correctly. If that’s not possible, just watch his instruction video of how to do the exercises over & over like I did. It’s also very wise to read one of his books & check his instruction video periodically to see if you are still doing them correctly. I was surprised at what I left out or changed w/o realizing it. Keep meditating & doing your 33 day course as well. I wish you the best of luck & love from the Almighty! The Almighty helps those who help themselves!
Join a group that sends healing energy to others, like one led by Lynne McTaggart. She had a friend like you and she suggested she do that, lo and behold she started receiving healing in her own body.
Yes, we all encounter choices many times in our lives, and have to decide in many cases without knowing for certain what the future outcome will be. For example, choosing a wife or husband, or a career, or place of residence, etc. In contrast, on the Other Side, Heaven, individuals (spirits) can “see” or observe the future (& the past) as well as the present, ie time is navigable.
The idea that we are free and able to choose what beliefs are best for us and decide who we want to become is one of the modern Western World’s greatest myths and fantasies. It could be argued that this belief is simply an internalisation of “The American Dream” (whatever that means). Indeed, it is often our most cherished and most deeply held beliefs which are the very ones that will end up bringing about our own destruction.
Eben Alexander did not choose to catch a glimpse of the Infinite or hear the “Voice of God” deep within his soul. Indeed, he had to be completely removed from the equation through bacterial meningitis and a 7 day coma before he was able to catch sight of this fragment of Reality. It was also Eben’s very own most cherished beliefs and lifestyle which led to the illness, which very nearly killed him, in the first place. None of any of this was his choice and it was only through the Grace of God that he was allowed back into this realm and given the opportunity to integrate this experience into a new way of being and understanding in his life here, a process that will probably take him the rest of his days. Eben himself cannot take the credit or blame for any of this, his circumstances and upbringing gave him the beliefs and lifestyle that nearly killed him and it was Almighty God who saved him and who is reshaping his beliefs and life now.
It is very dangerous to nurture the impression that we are somehow in control of our own individual and collective spiritual journeys and destiny, this is not true. We are led towards and along this path by forces far, far greater than ourselves and ultimately we, as individuals, have no choice in the matter. We can spend our whole lives struggling to rid ourselves of negative beliefs and destructive habitual behaviour patterns (and paradoxically all spiritual paths do require a struggle) but in the end all our own efforts will amount to nothing and it is purely through the Grace and Mercy of Almighty God that we will eventually be taken Home. Any gifts we may receive along the way from the Divine Source we really do nothing to warrant or deserve ourselves.
You seem to have it out for Eben? I don’t think he is saying we have a choice as to when you pass from this world, or the influence of other people’s decisions that may result in things happening to us as a result of their choices. He is saying everyday choices that we make that make a difference in our lives, and as you make unconscious decisions that are habitual from programing early in life. Many of which were passed on to you by well intended teachers and parents. This meme like virus cycle needs to be broken. Skepticism is good, but look deeper to see where your motivation is coming from. Many times it will shock you to see you are defending a meme ingrained in your unconscious that was programed in you. Maybe you should start to question some of your beliefs.
If that is so, then our life here is just a useless video game for God to play.
We are here to learn an individualized “something” that we need In order to grow and progress. Einstein was right, God does not play dice with the universe. Our freedom of choice may be limited, but if it’s real. Our choices here matter and we can choose between Good and Evil and we know the difference.
Lol. You can believe that if you so choose…
But, seriously, I’m deeply curious where you gathered these beliefs from. You speak with great conviction, so I’m guessing there is some strong experiences of some kind behind it?
Just completed my daily meditation and need to share my lesson, revelation for today. I asked with all of the millions of lives before mine, why is my experience important, does it really matter? The knowledge was reduced to a level that I could understand. I was made to look at my screen saver. It’s a beautiful mountain valley vista. I was asked ” how many pixels did it take to make this picture”. How far is it to that far mountain? Now that you have a 2 D flat picture, how many pixels does it take to make it 3 dimensional all that way to that far mountain?
Your experience is important, you are a part of the whole.
I love it.
There is no question that this undercurrent of limiting beliefs rules us and we must release them if we are to live a fulfilled and fulfilling life. But figuring out what a belief is, sometimes, is not so easy. I used to wonder why some people made money so easily even if they weren’t saintly and kind. It took a long, long time for me to realize that was a belief I held: that if I made money I would cease to be kind and do good in the world. CANCEL. Holding on to that belief just meant I was living a small life, not a saintly one! I hear often that money is energy, and neutral. How we use it is the key, not whether we have it or not. Coming from a family that had roots not only in the Salvation Army but also in the English mantra one should not get above one’s station, it has not been easy to hold on to money in a responsible way, even when it has arrived. While I see this belief for what it is, there is still a need to be vigilant. CANCEL is a great word for that!
Yesterday I went to a birthday party and met a friend who had an NDE experience… it seems like everyone I talked to there had a transformative life changing experience. Then I met 2 sound healers and one of them commented on my hat. I told her it had resurfaced recently from the basement and I put it on to connect with my deceased Father. My son Jesse had given it to me and it’s the exact same hat my Father would have worn. The conversation continued and I must have verbalized a limiting belief statement with the word should and the sound healer chimed in and restated the sentence changing the energy and opening the door to feel my Dad’s Presence. So many synchronicities from one gathering…
During yesterday’s journal writing, I wrote down positive beliefs the day before and today day 21, I had to look at my limiting beliefs:
I can’t support myself and my family as a drummer.
I am supporting myself and my family as a drummer.
I overreact and jump to conclusions.
I am calmly responding to all situations without judgement of others.
Thank you for this helpful journey… these lessons are a stream of consciousness that I can apply each day.
Due to learning of all the NDEs and people like Eben and Karen, I know now what this world is. I had to put down my beloved dog, Butch, we were keeping him alive with sub q fluids, he was in kidney failure. I could not let go, my husband and I were a mess. BUT this time we let go finally, and we immediately adopted a new pup from the animal shelter. I did not need to grieve, I know Butch is with me still and exists on the other side! I can cry everyday for missing him but can also, bond and save a new life.
Thank you for sharing… I will sing an Om Mani Padme Hum song for Butch for his sojourn on and upward… and for the new puppy and family
This worked for me today. For the first time I went beyond my choice to ask myself what the outcome was that I wanted.
Love the sacred accustic recordings thanks.
I’ve also became aware of how just thinking about a confronting situation kicked in my fight or fight response and it was only a thought not even real!
These choices are such great learning experiences for us. Working with Carolyn Myss, I have been taught to watch my thoughts and language. Now when something comes up, most of the time, I become aware and immediately will change it to a more positive perspective and know that I have work to do on a belief system to find out what the truth is and how it got to be that way. So many choices we have but usually in the beginning, we think we have 1 or 2 choices. We just need to step out of the box and try and look at it with a different perspective. Thank you for the topics!
Yes, Caroline Myss really puts an emphasis on choice. Few people realized the power they have. and the responsibility. In teaching meditation for many years, I was astounded to discover just how many people don’t have a clue that they can choose a more helpful thought over a hurtful one, or that they can use to play with perspectives. On my website, under Intuitive Wellness, I summarized her advice as:
Become aware of why you make the choices that you do. This helps us uncover our motivations, fears, hopes, beliefs, values, and dreams, all of which influence our perceptions, both inner and outer. This is an excellent exercise for gaining self-knowledge, and a high degree of self-knowledge is essential to receiving clear intuitive information. It shows us how we invest our life force energy, and we become aware of the return we’re getting on our investment.
Note that you only need to pick out a choice, a perception, or a conclusion once in a while during the day when you catch yourself making them. Maybe a few times a day, ask yourself, “Why did I make that choice?” Or catch yourself doing something or not doing something because of what someone said years ago. For example, imagine a person attracted to buying art materials, but she doesn’t. If she is aware, she will ask herself why. She might remember some like, “My fourth-grade teacher told me I’d never be an artist.”
I made a mistake and pushed the wrong link. I did not mean to unsubscribe.
I did receive Day 21. I am not certain how to fix my mistake.
Michael A. Olson
Our system does not allow us to resubscribe someone who has clicked on the unsubscribe link.
I believe you may simply resubscribe at this link:
I am not certain if you will begin at Day 21 again or be restarted at Day 1. I would love to know either way what happens so we may advise others. And if you don’t want to start over, I can offer other options.
Please let me know if you need further assistance
I try and visualise my future self and what actions I want to carry out and what circumstances I want to create. You are so right in the importance of the language we use, i.e., ” I can’t do such and such” is identifying with a negative, preventing the action/intent from happening. Saying “The belief is that I can’t do such and such” gives you more detachment and more power to change.
making choices every day depends on the direction your life goes!
Could it possibly be the other way around?
Conicidence or guidance ?! (; Through our workshop I came by ‘remote viewing’ along to Monroe Institute, which leads me to monaural, binaural and isochrone Sounds and their impact in developing brainwaves in order to reprogram our subconscious mind, so called super learning etc. This brought up a young german
(may I say a real sweetheart!) who is selling programs like audacity, where you can program your own affirmations due to 25 HZ ( You can’t hear them, but with a good earphone they are received! This is a very efficient tool in self-education, fitting exactly with our workshop. Thanks so much for being here!!!
One question: This workshop and all replies are so worthy and I would like to file it up. Is it’s content accessible after completion of our 33 days?
Yes, everyone will have access to the 33 Day Journey pages for as long as they wish. We plan to keep it active indefinitely for new participants to join and for continued use by all participants. On the last day you will receive a link to a page with all the sessions’ content.
This theme, I think shows us that whatever decision we make and on what level, at the time, we believe it to be the right one. But occasions will arise, when we will think, “Oops! went wrong there.!” Then, instead of panicking and perhaps making a further error, is to quieten the mind and ask for direction. When I rise in the morning, I ask that this day will provide me with all I need, not just for me, but those I come in contact with. I am writing this the day after today’s lesson came up, but yesterday around lunch time, I knew I was going to be directed in a certain way, that something would arise for me to give extra attention. Sometimes these feelings, come in just that, feelings, or a word or two, but yesterday, it was a physical indication which you might not accept. But it happens, perhaps several times a year, and I believe it is from my “deceased” Mother. My bedside clock will slow down and all of a sudden I will notice the difference between that and my watch or computer clock. There is nothing wrong with the bedside clock, when I change it, it then behaves itself. But on attending a social occasion, twice, I was shown opportunities to be of help to others, which will go on from that encounter. My inner ear serves me (and others) very well indeed. I am thoroughly enjoying these connections with everyone. Love and tanks to all. Margaret.
Thank you for sharing this. I know the feeling and the experience.
I’ve haven’t figure out how to make unconscious decision conscious or consciously. These decisions are made in a split second. Most likely this is what I call Knowing. The Knowing is a very cogent impulse so powerful that you can’t resist. Over the years I’ve learned to trust this impulse, the Knowing.
Any other decisions are conditioned by the reality we created on the planet Earth whether or not we remember them or not.
It maybe be that I don’t understand the topic.
It is wonderfully liberating to simply be aware of what one is doing and why. It has to do with simple, ordinary things. Like, I chose to take the long way home the other day … then I wondered why I did that. Well, what popped up was that there is a person I wanted to avoid. I had the belief that if I ran into him when I got home, I would have to talk to him. Now, why would I have to talk to him? I realized I was avoiding just saying something kind and polite but letting him know I’m not open to socializing with him. It’s just little things letting us know what we believe about ourselves and our abilities.
Today’s and yesterday’s lessons are two of the most challenging. Our underlying beliefs are such an integral part of ourselves (our egos) we sometimes cannot see them even when looking for them. Sometimes it takes a life event, large or small, to jolt us into a realization and new way of thinking and looking at this universe and ourselves.. It is a lifetime challenge to discover and to discern which beliefs are worth keeping and which can be thrown out. And if we determinedly cling to a belief, positive or negative, as the ultimate truth, then we again have closed our minds to a new concept and new growth. Isn’t this a wonderful challenge that we have this focused idea daily for 33 days to help us along the way.. Thanks Karen and Eben.