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Lucid dreaming is relatable to meditation in that we become aware of our inner observer from within the sleep state.

Living in a Mindful Universe

Dreams are often fragmented and nonsensical. Although some recall their dreams more than others, in most cases, such memories often fade quickly over time. While dreaming, we typically don’t realize we are in a dream state until awakening.

A dream is known as “lucid” when you become aware you are dreaming from within the dream. After “awakening,” the dreamer can actually manage the dream and perform feats like flying or time travel, face fears and anxieties, or even solve problems and tap into creative inspiration.

One indicator to discern between a less significant versus a deeper encounter involves the emotional power or ultra-reality of an experience, whether in meditation, a dream state, or another spiritually transformative experience. The most powerful experiences are notorious for seeming ultra-real. Such memories are typically very persistent, far more so than most memories of our life events, and especially more so than our average dreams and imaginings.

Dreaming is an important part of the dying process, for dreams offer tremendous opportunities to anticipate and properly prepare for such a major transition. They often provide the stage on which the souls of departed loved ones appear to assist the dying in acclimating to their journey home. Precognitive dreams have also been shown to be predictors of physical issues such as breast cancer.


Begin to pay attention to your dreams and record them in your journal, adding to your daily routine. Note the quality of your dreams over time and if your dreams increase or decrease as you place more attention on remembering them.

Ask yourself a question as you fall asleep and notice if an answer comes to you in a dream or during the following days.