To honor and cultivate the observer within while exercising its ability to be neutral allows one to assume a much broader perspective.
To feel and note thoughts and emotions that may occur, while maintaining the neutrality of the observer, is a fine balancing act that comes with regular practice.
By remaining open to all possibilities with no expectations or pre-judgment, we allow new insights and wisdom to emerge. This can be challenging at first, but with regular practice, it becomes a natural process. This can be a useful exercise while in a meditative state, as well as during quiet moments throughout the day.
Eventually, it is possible to move into a neutral state more easily, even during the height of an emotional situation. The goal is to shift one’s mind to that impartial observer in order to witness thoughts and emotions from a more detached perspective, providing a broader context.
This practice aids in gaining a fuller understanding by noting one’s thought process in the heat of the moment and realizing one’s reaction is often pointing to a larger issue, sometimes completely unrelated to the event at hand. Such a process can bring surprising revelations as to the source of our seeming difficulties.
Begin to consciously notice your thoughts and emotional responses from a different part of yourself. When thoughts arise, say to yourself “let – go” (or any other mantra of your choice).
Practice recognizing the neutral inner observer as the part of you that has no judgment and does not analyze—it simply observes.
There was a time where this was my regular practice. I had reached a level of understanding that felt right and natural; a knowing of unity and oneness, of non-attachment.
Five weeks ago, the guy I had just welcomed into my life and was dating died. I feel completely derailed from my spiritual journey. I feel intense attachment to my feelings of loneliness, hopelessness, and loss. While I know part of this can be expected and I am trying to honor my grief, I feel like I have truly lost a large part of myself. I worry that I won’t have the space again to reach that level of knowing. I am searching for my witness, but it feels like my grief has pushed her out.
I am happy to have these daily reminders. It’s a remembering. But I feel so sad to have been pushed back as far as I have by this loss.
Thinking of you, Kennedy, and praying for you and anyone else going through a dark night of the soul right now. We all take our turns. Stick with your practice 🙂
Dear Kennedy, I’ve just joined this spiritual quest you undertook in 2021, and I can wholeheartedly say I feel your pain totally, because I lost the love ofmy life 8 months ago and the sense of being plunged into darkness and hopelessness is still overwhelming. My grief isvwhat drove me to seek insight and solace in philosophy after years of materialistic scepticism, and St last Li remember a time, before my scientific studies eclipsed it, when I was convinced of life after death, and meditated regularly, able to be the silent witness of my own thoughts, like you.
Now, thanks to Dr Alexander’s account, and of the words of many other sages, I am travelling that path again, longing for solace and the hope of hearing my Beloved’s voice and seeing his face once more.
I feel you 100%.
I hope your pain has eased over the past months, and would love to hear from you if you should wish to reply. I shall hold you in my mind and in my heart.
Hi, Kennedy,
I just joined this group 7 days ago. I noticed that what you experienced happened almost two years ago. I am very interested to see if you found you place of being the Neutral to the observer. I pray by now that you have been restored. You can email me at
Love, LIght and Peace Terrilyn
Dear Eben and Karen
Thank you for all your work and contribution to human beeinfs and all living creatures on this planet. Deeply grateful I do feel. I feel privileged that your working, your lessons, you express dis come up into my life.
Sitting in Zurich in the garden with my best friend of these days : translater :
I translate all missing english words, so as to really experience the full meaning, of what you give us to know, coming out if your longlife work/reasarch/persobal experiment.
I bless you and all the community with gratefulness. Heartfelt waves from Switzerland Anna-Kathariba
PS: Proof of heaven came into my life when my family lost a dear family member in September 2019.
I read the poem : when tomorrow comes without me : In a moment of deepest sorrow to all my family members.
Thank you. Anna-Katharina
I really enjoy reading the comments! It’s so nice to learn how other people are experiencing an introduction to the Witness & other expanded states of being. I worked for 17 years as a high school “behavior trainer” at an alternative school in Texas. The school was a dumping ground & holding facility for the many types of students under many types of stress. Gang members, drug addicts, mentally ill, abused, emotionally immature, & so on. The only reason that I survived such a horrendous environment was the fact that I retreated into that non-judgemental space. I also learned that one of the only ways to go to work the next day was to not forgive students for the abuse that I was subjected to, but to understand them, to comprehend what brought them to such a fevered existence. I am open-minded about what I can learn as well. Certainly, I will reach a point in the 33 Day Journey where I have never been before!
I found a copy of Proof of Heaven on the trade books shelf outside my local Starbucks. The title grabbed my attention as a Mormon and a seeker of truth. It was certainly not what I expected from the title, cu-does to the editor for a marketing coup. Now, I am reading “Living in a Mindful Universe” for the second time trying to really grasp the implications. When I wrote the title here I first fat fingered and wrote “Loving in a Mindful Universe,” perhaps that is a better title. I found nothing in the experiences shared that conflicts with how I understand the Gospel Principles. We lived with God before coming here to earth. We came here because we wanted to have physical bodies like the ones our Heavenly Parents have. We will return to them after our earthly probation. As far as reincarnation is concerned, the church teaches that it does not happen, but there are many members who tend to disagree including quite probably, Joseph Smith the founder of the church and translator of the Book of Mormon. Personally, I “think” it happens but how is still a mystery. I take Eben’s and other NDE experiences at face value assuming that they are real experiences as it is the only explanation we currently have that seems to work. As to the interpretations, that is where the crux of the matter lies. I don’t think a full explanation is available to any of us on this side of the veil. Otherwise Faith, which is essential to our time and experience here, would be dead.
It took me a long time to read some of the chapters, up to a week, cross referencing and digging into the evidence. I ordered the book on Christian Mysticism. The implications are earth shattering. I find it difficult, yet strangely comforting, to grasp that all I see around me is illusion created from gathered energy. In essence, nothing is material in the sense that we comprehend it. A classroom. The implications are both comforting and frightening. I have bounced this off some others but need to wait for them to read the books, if they will.
As a dedicated amateur musician, I was not totally surprised when Dancers and Musicians scored extremely high when remotely viewing other people’s experiences. When it is all working, Music is a process of “intuitively feeling” what the others are doing and knowing precisely when the gaps to be filled are yours: be they micro moments of accent, long periods of holding the floor, or brief or extended solos. I am not surprised that music is essential to communication in celestial spheres as it is here on earth.
I am writing this while listening to Heart Center “Focus,” “Centered, Stable, Present.” The blurb about it said you could do creative things while listening, unlike most of the other recordings.
I am new to meditation and am still in the untamed thoughts phase. The recordings help me focus much in the way I feel when composing a song. I do much of this walking with my dog in the park. Walk, Ponder, Write, throw ball, Walk Ponder Write. She is an excellent writing companion very intuitive in her own way. Some of my music is on the web site. I like to explore the feelings we have writing about love in it’s many aspects.
Thank you for opening doors to a new way of experiencing the Universe, and many thanks to Heavenly Father and Mother, or whatever you choose to call them, for choosing you to do this. I do not for a moment believe your experience was and accident of nature. Don’t let that go to your head, you are not that special.
With Love,
Are we supposed to keep using the sound recording from yesterday? I’m actually up to day 9; I’ve been unsure, but since it wasn’t noted in the “practice” sections I’ve not been using it. I’ve not been reading the messages here, but now that I have, it seems that some people do, others don’t mention it so I’m not sure. I’ll try exercise 9 about the remote viewing without it until I come back here and see if there is a reply.
Have a blessed day, All🙏💖
You may use the recording as you wish, there are no strict rules. If you find it useful, yes, please continue to listen.
No strict rules. I listen to the OM chant and maybe not later in the day. We all have a long way to go. Enjoy the trip ❤️
Yes,it’s not easy to watch neutral. It’s possible…
And it is interesting to observe yourself, your behavior.
In the middle of the day, I use a program on my cell phone that reminds me to take my mind off things and look at myself and around me…
“Yes,it’s not easy to watch neutral. It’s possible…”: which obviously is another thought to be observed in neutrality 🙂
Mind is so tricky!
Day 7 was incredible! I managed to be neutral and observe. Few thoughts came to my mind but I managed to let them go. I listened to the sacred acoustics sound and repeated the OM, felt the vibration inside my body, it was powerful! I saw myself sitting in a yoga position surrounded by energy, light, vibration, mostly a blue energy that was expanding, and nothing else. It was me and the energy around me. I still feel the vibrations in my body! I’m amazed that I was an observer.
I was awoken abruptly very early this morning by my wife rushing around the bedroom trying to catch a very small bird, a wren, that had somehow got in. The poor bird was terrified, flying around bumping into furniture completely disorientated. In the end it landed on top of a wardrobe to hide and we couldn’t get to it. We decided the best solution was wait until the morning and I would try to catch it with a fishing net. My wife went back to sleep but I couldn’t do so with this bird on the top of the wardrobe.
So I lay there watching my breathing and trying to be neutral not swayed by by emotions, plans or thoughts of the bird or anything else, just aware of my inner and outer worlds. Slowly the bird also became more relaxed and more aware of its’ own surrounding and it hopped onto the edge of the wardrobe and started looking around assessing everything. It gradually began to take short exploratory flights to where it thought freedom was but it couldn’t seem to see the open window. It was flying towards reflected light – first of all it just flew in different directions along the white ceiling which was reflecting light from the window, it leant that this was not the right path. Meanwhile I was still just watching both my breathing and the situation. Next the bird flew to a central glass light/chandelier which was again reflecting light from the window. This was also not the right way. Next it flew to a bright white piece of clothing which was on a mannequin right beside the window. Still not right. Finally it caught site of the true source of light, the window and flew towards that. It missed the open part of the window and was caught on the glass but from there it was an easy job to guide it gently towards the opening and freedom…………… plan, no fishing net and no stress, everything happened easily and naturally, just as it was meant to do.
On my way into work I reflected on the profound inner aspect of this story. We are all like that little bird, separated from our true spiritual home and flying around frightened of all the unfamiliar shadows and darkness that surround us. We look for light and love but to begin with we only see them reflected in things or people of this world. Slowly we start to realise that these things and people only borrow their light from the True Source. But each time we learn this we come ever closer to this Source until one day, miraculously we suddenly find ………freedom and our true home!
Thank you for this meditation and thank you also from my little feathered friend too!
How beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story.
Beautiful story and insight. Thank you
This is a wonderful analogy for our human plight. I feel sure you had this experience to help illustrate what is happening with most of us and just what we should do about it. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I found it very helpful. Bless you and keep you always in the light.
Thank you for sharing this story and the perfect metaphor it holds. It really resonated with me.
Perfect analogy! Thank you for sharing!
An inspired story …. thank you !
Today’s meditation was amazing. With the acoustics, I can do the 20 minutes with joy. I love Karen’s teaching of “Let go.” I know I can use that to calm myself when needed. Then the om connects me to something joyful that resonates through my whole being. Thank you again, Karen and Eben.
My Tai d the last couple of years on my Insight Meditation App is:
“Learning to judge less and observe more”…
So this message is in alignment with my ongoing goals. Thank you for reaffirming the simplicity and truth of this core life altering message.
Sorry… that read “my tag line”….
This neutrality is so true, and is the core silent part of ourselves that has no words, our deepest self. I realised recently that I can access this state at will, and do so regularly. I was waiting for a flight connection with my wife and our friends. My friend asked me what I was thinking about, as I can go into ‘silent mode’ easily – and I wasn’t thinking about anything just enjoying ‘being there in the moment’. This course is a wonderful mirror! Thank you both…
Ich danke von Herzen für diese wundervollen Übungen, ins Herz des Bewusstsein hinein zu gehen. Alle vorhergehenden Übungen haben mich schon zutiefst bereichert, in Kommunikation mit meinen Bewusstseinsfacetten im Herzen zu sein und auch das Fühlen höherer Welten der Universen.
Ja, in Neutralität sich im Innern zu sich selbst zu sein als Sein, ist Liebe. Ich erlebe es emotional und ich bin in mehr Klarheit innerhalb meiner beobachtenden Wahrnehmung im Denken und im Fühlen und im Erleben. Ich weiß, wer zu sich neutral sein kann, kann es auch zu anderen Menschen. Neutral sein erlebe ich als Liebe sein und auch als Öffnung für vorurteilslosen Beziehung zu mir selbst, zum anderen Menschen, bzw. zur Welt: Ganz so, wie es die Grundlage zur Mathematik ist, nämlich reine Wahrnehmung und reines Denken. Liebe fließt ganz aus dem Herzen und Liebe ist dennoch neutral, weil es die Pole in sich vereint, so wie depressiv in progressiv sein. Die Depression wird nicht abgelehnt, sondern angenommen und zum Progressiven Sein umgewandelt.
Im Herzen der Neutralität ist Stille lebendig als Ort der Ruhe. Liebe und Frieden entstehen aus der neutralen Realität im Sein.
Enikö Helena
oh, ich sehe, dass mein Kommentar im Deutschen wohl keine korrekte Übersetzung in englischer Sprache ergibt. Leider sind einige meiner Worte durch Google-Übersetzung verfälscht. Sorry, mein Vermögen in englischer Sprache reicht nicht ganz aus, um solche Themen in korrektem Englisch frei darzulegen.
Herzliche Grüße, Enikö Helena
Gaining greater insights the second time around on this course. Thank you!
Did some deep breathing, prayed, thanked God and Jesus for all the blessings. Very relaxed and ready to go to bed. I’ve been playing catch up, I got behind and now I’m caught up…Was trying to look at myself as an observer… 24 minutes went by very fast.
While listening to the binaural beats recording I imagined a big circle, along which there were two dots rotating, a red one was rotating clockwise, a blue one counter-clockwise. Wondering about the meaning of this…
My ex-husband and I , as many dysfunctional couples may do, decided to stay living together even though we were divorced. He had always said we would re-marry very soon, but soon never came . He became very depressed. Finally we separated, and then he disappeared . I never knew where he went. I had always been an observer, and have had many experiences of synchronicity’s and flipping back-and-forth between what I can only call realms, I always believed that one day I would know one way or the other whether he was alive or dead. I had the police conduct a missing person search, and it was so sad to get a call from them every Christmas time asking if I had heard anything yet. I guess they thought that it would be normal for someone to come Home for Christmas or otherwise contact family members. I had moved a few miles away, leaving our home to renters. I moved back to the empty house after 3 years, and many memories of our time together came back but as the house was built by my father I had a strong sentimental attachment to it. .After eight years I found out that he had committed suicide right across the street, in the woods!. And I had searched there myself, but as I looked at a group of three trees I heard a very strong voice inside me telling me to leave right away! When I had moved back in also, I had walked the dog up the street for the first time after being away from the house for so long, the dog was not wanting to go into the house. And when I tried to walk her up the street, she sat down in the road trembling and crying and refused to go any further. Later on I realized this is the spot 100 yards away from where his bones lay. When the police came, it happened when I was particularly in a higher State, writing a poem about him and feeling like I was speaking with him. I almost feel like I have been through a personal NDE. There have been many other synchronicity’s concerning this event in 2015. I plan to write a small book about them. But I am so grateful to have discovered that other people also feel As if they flip between realms or dimensions.
I have witnessed my own sister die last spring and I feel on afraid of death and even though he had taken his own life I feel that he was very sorry and regretted it and his soul had hung around the area . He finally allowed himself to be discovered when I was willing to thank him for knowing him and writing a poem about him that day! Thank you so much for your good work, and I am doing my own work of spreading the news about the afterlife.
Thank you for sharing your story… your Heart, more expansive than the ocean, gave me the lesson of true openness and unconditional Love… that’s truly a Blessing for All…
Thinking as usual about ‘the planetary reset we are all desperately praying for’, I thought about Eben’s description of the mind or brain’s function as a valve that allows certain kinds of experiences (like fear and apathy) to get through, but somehow blocks the experiences that we innately want, for example oneness, joy, peace, contentment and on and on. What kind of a friend is that?
I’ll never forget a call from a friend who was rooming with a girl with Dissociative Identity Disorder. (Multiple personalities). One night the woman with DID, switched into a “part” we’d never seen before – Serene, calm, wise. Her roommate asked this “part” who she was and she replied, “I am the observer.” You could feel the Presence of the One in the room coming through her. It was so beautiful.
Wow… that’s awe inspiring… i need to gauge my inner observer during the height of adversity with that same calmness and serenity
Wondering if we want to “let go” or to honor the part that is speaking?
Yesterday I experienced what I it could have been a deep state. My body got very hot, I heard a buzzing sound in the ears which helped me getting focused. I was completely in that not sensing the environment around. I had a image/presence of my grandparents like if they were looking at me. I felt a force that moved my head up and my mouth to open. I could think but it was not mind chattering, like I was if I was talking with me about what was happening.
Could you tell me something about this experience?
Change in body temperature is not uncommon when in expanded or deep states of awareness, it can signify that energy is shifting. Buzzing and vibrations are sometimes associated with the beginning stages of an out-of-body experience. If you felt your head and mouth move, but it wasn’t actual physical movement, this is another sign of possible energetic detachment from the physical body. If you find yourself in this situation again, it can be helpful to ask something simple, like, “is there a message for me?”
Karen thank you very much.
Love this. I’ve been doing it for a while – it’s one of my “go to” meditation techniques. Thank you.
I have learned not to judge but to watch and then sometimes I am blessed with the downloads. It is a place of peace for me.
thank you!! Positive advice!
It’s amazingly supportive working on a course with other like-minded people. You just feel there is an additional presence, like an overtone in music.
Harmony and Unity… Love in action
I am grateful for this … appreciate the sharing feedback.. after many yrs of certain types of experiences it is finally sinking in..feeling affirmed
love an light ..
I’ve been listened to Sacred-Lullaby recording in the evening and was surrounded with waves of white light, thin like white fog but alive for lack of better descriptor. Very comforting feeling and I fell asleep shortly after. After the foot surgery I was given 2 pills of regular Tylenol and no pain medication. The pain is tolerable and I won’t take the prescribed Ibuprofen 800mg. The nurse advised to take half the pill because I’m too tiny for the 800mg.
The observer – I found the use of “let-go” to be very helpful during this practice – soothing and balancing. After some time, the image of the Hermit in Key 7 of the Tarot came to mind – holding his lantern as a beacon for those struggling below, silently observing as they arduously make their way to join him. This is my higher Self waiting patiently for the fragmented parts of my small self to join him on the mountaintop, achieving a much higher and wider perspective from there.
Then I felt my lips going numb, my hands going numb, my feet going numb as I let go more and more. Didn’t really want the time to end.
I appreciate all of the insights but of all I have read here today the thing that struck me was that, at last, someone has felt like me that there was (almost) no need to mourn. I felt no need to mourn when my husband passed on in 2015. I had had an NDE in 1977 and with it lost my previously ligelong fear if death. I know observers judged my lack of obvious grief. (b.1925) Age 92.
PS As a lifelong church 🎹 organist my favorite little piece is “Why Should I Then Grieve?” by Johann Gottfried Walther, for which in my role as poet, I have furnished words.
Mary! I am so happy for your NDE preparing you for the rest of your life which included the passing of your husband. How dearly you are loved!
This reminds me of a quote from the writings of my religion:
I have made death a messenger of joy to thee. Wherefore dost thou grieve?
I made the light to shed on thee its splendor. Why dost thou veil thyself therefrom?
–The Hidden Words
Thank you for sharing your experience of not being seen to be mourning so much as others Mary. I have always wondered if I’m insensitive not to have mourned for my loved ones as deeply as others do, but deep down I have always known it’s because I know they are still around, and in a better state, and I will one day rejoin them.
In my church, The Mormon Faith, there is a unique hymn “Come Come Ye saints” written as the Saints crossed the plains to The Salt Lake Valley. Many died making the journey.
The last verse sums it all up.
And should we die before our journeys through,
Happy Day! all is well,
We then are free from toil and sorrow, too;
With the just we shall dwell.
But if our lives are spared again
To see the saints their rest obtain,
Oh How We’ll make this chorus swell-
All is well, All is well
Wonderful to follow a course to become more aware of oneness with the universe
I had a chance to do guided meditation with Eben and Karen in Montreal. This gives an opportunity to continue the experience. Very grateful
For me, the neutral, objective, or unconditioned observer turned out to be my long lost inherent sense of uniqueness emanating from an awareness of concodance with the needs, possibilities, and limitations of my unique genetic constelllation rather than those conditioned by my environmental constellation from the very early years of ny life and going forward unabated.
Josephus! Love your name!
Glad you are in this discussion!
I love this experience and information! Enlightened Mystic Osho says, “Don’t become a participant, either by appraising, valuing, condemning; no attitude should be taken about what is passing in your mind.” (from DEATH: The Greatest Fiction)
Eventually we become just a mirror. Thank you!
This process (Acoustic Sound!) is working with getting my internal chatter to sush-up. Grateful for this course. ♥
Day 6 meditating with sound, as I was guided to the heart center with gratitude, tears flowed with overwhelming presence of love. Thank you for this sound guidance.
In appreciation,
Mary Ellen
This afternoon I attended a social club for older members of our village community. The volunteers are lovely, entertaining us for the first hour, in various ways. Then we are offered a lovely English tea. Today one of the volunteers sat talking to me about the Death Cafe I have set up in recent months. Then we spoke of two deaths within six months in my family group. We spoke of the reaction from close family, answering a question I said,” I kept my energy in supporting everyone, almost did not feel the need to mourn. I have been able to be still, calm, assured of my belief which is based on witness and experiences over decades of caring for others” I said, “I know I am a spirit living in a physical body – there is no end,” That is what keeps me neutral, I react to life, according to circumstances in the sense, I will laugh, (I have a wicked sense of humour) I am not averse to having a cuss, mostly at myself, but I don’t hold onto that. My boat is rowed and guided through whatever waters are in flow. I am safe, I am whole and I am well.
Bravo Margaret! So happy to find a fellow traveler in balance. You help keep the whole human boat steady and ruttered!
THIS is stellar stuff. Very useful and true.