In order to meaningfully engage the soul, we must turn to our heart.
Every human body contains a heart that emits an electromagnetic field in the shape of a torus. It moves out the top of the head and back in through the base of the spine in continuous motion in both directions. The heart’s electrical field is sixty times greater than that of the brain, and its magnetic field is 5,000 times greater than that of the brain.
The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field in the body, and its pumping action transmits rhythmic information patterns to the brain. The heart actually sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. It seems that the heart has a mind of its own.
Studies reveal this electromagnetic field, which extends several feet or more outside the body, seems to pick up information in the surrounding environment and also broadcasts one’s emotional state out from the body.
Emotions such as greed, anger, or sadness correlate to a constricted heart field, while positive moods such as gratitude, joy, and happiness correlate to a larger, more expanded heart field.
As you observe your breath during your daily practice, imagine your breath is moving in and out of the heart. Note in your journal if this exercise assists in lessening distracting thoughts or any other sensations.
This visual is powerful for me. I can do this. Personally, looking at this I can identify how fear, sadness, grief, etc squeeze in the doughnut hole center of the torus – that’s a mind thing. But I can sense with my heart, experience with it, sense with it, feel with it and expand.
I have a question and then a comment. When there’s grief and loss – or even illness, hospice and care before that, one cannot ignore it. I’m wondering then if this living from the heart instead of the brain even in grief expands the torus? It might be painful but at least it’s not contraction.
As a Somatic Movement Educator, I see almost everyone come in with the center of this torus pulled in and contracted. The contractions become habituated even after the emotional stimulus that created it is gone. I teach people how to create new sensation with movement in these areas to bring awareness back in. It’s an internal new looking and sensing. It’s a process that never ends … like learning the language of the body. I’m going to experiment with the heart’s inner eyes and the awareness of your heart torus. Thank you!!
Could feel awareness expand a bit and also fear in my body – I think it thinks something will happen to it like maybe die? A fear of letting go because what’s out there is unknown. I know this isn’t true because I’ve been sort of “there” in the past. I could say to myself, remind myself that I am not my body, not my fear, not even my breath into my heart, not my chest pain that seems to come from the fear.. and that seems to help it for some reason.
I think I saw her standing in the surf looking out.. she didn’t turn to look at me and I think she will one day…and she will smile at me and that brings tears to my eyes right now…. I want to be with her again so bad. That is what has me on this quest. To find where she went and be with her in some way even if I cannot touch her like I used to. It was absolutely inconceivable to me at the time that the spirit that is Miz Cindy would just pack up and leave and be gone forever and at the same time it was clear that she had left and left her body that carried her for 60 years…
like so many folks say – it takes practice. For me I think that the practice will have my mind/ego get the idea eventually that it is safe to open up the “valve” a bit
Putting all this in my journal is really a help prior to writing here .. too bad I cannot write as fast as I can type
Re: The torus heart field – if the mind is primary to the brain and body, and energy fields are physical, then heart field originates in consciousness, to then manifest as the physical heart. The fields would be primary, with information about the state of the heart.
Thank you, Eben & Karen. I continue to be exposed to info about the heart being a portal to more coherence in individuals and societies. My intention is to become more open and develop a deeper understanding of this phenomena.
I am a dowser as a hobby, & I always explained the aura as generated by static electricity caused by all the friction in a trillion-plus cells body. Also, I figured that all that electro-chemical activity in the brain & nervous system contributed a lot, but never put much emphasis on the heart. No surprise there, considering the heart is generally ignored. Let me guess: I can find a lot more about the aura from HeartMath, then? The heart generates practically all that field that my rods detect? To say I am flabbergasted is the best I can muster at this point. Please, someone tell me more!!
A Native American chief told a psychiatrist (might have been Carl Jung) that the white man is insane. When asked how he knew that, the chief said, “He thinks with his head.” So the psychiatrist asked him “What do you think with?” He pointed to his heart.
In our culture, what it seems we have is a disconnect with the heart. The head is burdened with tasks it was not meant to perform. The head is great with logistics, gathering and cataloging facts, and making maps. But it doesn’t have a clue as to right or wrong, true or false, valuable or worthless. The head wants things black and white; it wants to be told what to do. It often is left waiting for a directive that never comes because the commander’s signal is blocked off. The head can rationalize endless horrible atrocities and label them as good, or “necessary evils.” But run them through the heart, and the heart calls a spade a spade.
Our heart develops before our brain in the fetal phase. That says a lot.
What steps the resources for this data?? Thank you. Nona
Yes, the heart works in resonance with external events. And, if the reaction to an external event is manifested in me in the form of emotions, then inside I have something related to this event.
Data source?? Thank you. Nona
Google HeartMath. It is also available numerous other places.
I am so excited about this beautiful Heart day. I used the Heart Center CD I ordered from Sacred Acoustics. I had a
wonderful meditation. You see, I have used the CD 4 times for my journeys and today I had a remarkable session. I felt I was flying in the air over a beautiful field, it was like a miracle. I couldn’t believe what was happening in my dream.
I have been on oxygen 24/7 for around 15 or more years. I was told I would not ever get off the oxygen because I
needed it to keep my heart going. I can’t wait to see if this will get great enough that I may actually be able to get off and stay off oxygen completely. I am thoroughly enjoying these CD’s. Dear Lord is this at all possible? Blessings, love and light, Karen and Eben, for this fantastic Journey you’ve given us. We’re so very grateful. Sandie
I love this meditation and am so happy we have arrived in the heart at last!
Mystics and holy men & women have known that the heart is the centre of consciousness and the seat of the soul since humans first arrived on this planet. It is wonderful that science is now beginning to understand this too although it’s taken them long enough to get there!
Sufis have always known that the heart is the doorway to the world of spirit and the means by which we discover our true path in life. Their primary method of meditation is the “Dhikr” or “Remembrance” of God. This is done by repeating one of the Arabic names of God (most commonly “Allah”) with love in each breath, silently or aloud. It starts in the head but after a while descends to the heart before eventually spreading to every cell in the body. The Christian mystics use an almost identical method in the “Jesus Prayer”.
The ancient Taoists in China also knew this for in their energetic system they called the heart “the Supreme Controller” (or internal Emperor). The heart was considered to be where the Spirit (or Shen) lived and through it we found the Unity of the Tao and our true spiritual path. Real healing could only happen when the healer was completely in touch and in tune with their own “Shen” and when his or her Shen connected directly with that of the patient. The heart is is part of the fire element and associated with joy and wisdom (as opposed to intellect or cleverness) whereas the brain was part of the water element and associated with fear, will power, ambition and intellect. Both are essential for us to survive in this earthly realm but the modern world has centred itself more in the brain/water area than the heart/fire area which has made things off balance and removed/separated from Reality.
By reuniting Science (brain) and Spirit (heart) truly all things are possible. This is the secret of creation
All of this reminds me of the great song by Dion called St Jerome which has the poignant line “Love without Truth is just sentimental, Truth without Love is sterile”
Dear Fred: You always leave such interesting and informed comments. I really enjoy your writings and multiple viewpoints, you tie it altogether so well. Thanks, Jean (I’d put in a heart emoji if they had one)
Thank you for this reply!
Fred, ditto from me after Jean. I am especially interested in Chinese mysticism, but a list of your favorite & most helpful, inspiring, & awesome books would be very appreciated. This course is certainly making me humble as well as entertained & informed!!
Thank you for this information Karen. I especially love the diagram. I have conversations w my heart at times and tell my heart how grateful I am for all that it does for me. I feel like this organ (as I do w other body parts), is a friend and I so appreciate all that it does without any purposeful cognition on my part. The energy force we emit, is a good reminder as to what we project and consequently attract. Thank you for this visualization. 🙏
I can really relate to the energy pattern shown here. I also liked the part of the book that describes those who live with each other, their energy and rhythms combine and they become almost ‘one energy’. My wife and I have felt this for a long time and it was an excellent description of our experience. I find it especially hard to sleep deeply when we are not together, as I travel a lot with work, and this helps me understand that feeling of my ‘better half’ not being physically present
Cool. Thanks.
I always believed that the heart was far more powerful because it is one of the first organs to develop. We use the term heart broken for a reason, and as we all know, is a valid physical condition. Our heart has an intelligence of its own, although I was never taught that in biology or physiology class. I love the work of the Heart Math Institute.
Thank you for another wonderful lesson.
Karen & Eben, I can not Thank you enough for writing this message today!!! Margaret, thank you also for your information. I will pick up Glenda Green’s book you spoke about. Several years ago, one of our organizers for our spiritual group did his usual guided meditation. I must have been in a deep meditative state because when I opened my eyes, I saw a grid that extended out about 2.5 to 3 feet from him but it had a wave and it was around his legs and first chakra. I thought it was a dimension as I did not understand what I saw until I just read your article! I even went to a channeler who couldn’t tell me what it was. She was able to tell me that when spirit had come in me at another time, the heavy feeling in my first chakra was my ex fiancee going through his life review. I have seen energy and I have had some mystical experiences after my NDE. I am so grateful for you writing this article today. I have been really wanting to learn more about the electromagnetic fields too !! So excited…….
Is-it possible that a defibrillator pacemaker affect the magnetic and electrical fields? The Shape is the same?
I understand your question now. I expect the energetic heart behaves similarly in all of us, even with the pacemaker. Think of that electromagnetic field as being managed by your thoughts and emotions. But you ask a good question. I’ll check the HeartMath literature to see if they have researched that factor. Or, perhaps someone else has the answer. Feel free to post any appropriate references.
I was delighted to see the reference to HeartMath research mentioned! I serve as a HeartMath Resilience Trainer and guide others in the awareness of our 3 brains, Head, Heart and Gut. I have witnessed and personally experienced amazing results using the HeartMath techniques. Thank you for sharing the information with the world!
I was delighted to find the research from HeartMath included here. I am certified as a HeartMath trainer and I guide others to become aware of their 3 brain. Head, Heart and Gut. I use the HeartMath techniques with my clients and have witnessed remarkable results.
I have à defibrillator pacemaker. What happen in this case?
We are not aware of any negative effects from putting attention on the heart in combination with a pacemaker. If you are concerned, please consult with your doctor.
I agree the information about the heart was amazing and very informative. The illustration was beautiful.
Hello all, I was really excited to see the illustration of the heart energy in today’s direction. I have been receiving Heart Math info for a couple of years and have some lovely exchanges with them from time to time. Has anyone read Glenda Green’s book “Love without End” she is an artist and had an incredible experience of meeting Christ so she could paint the picture, “The Lion and the Lamb” He tells Glenda that ” This way to the Heart because it was the souls entry point at birth and will be it’s exit point at death.” He goes on to talk about near death experiences saying that those who experienced that, have lives who are changed for ever because they now have a greater perspective on their spiritual nature and union with the heart. It is a book that brings in, the very least, a lump in the throat. A recognition I think. I am so glad that we are able to see each others comments and replies, it accentuates the feeling of connection with other participants. As usual, love to all with thanks and appreciation. Margaret.
Thank you, Margaret for the info!! Helps a lot! Will have a look into it!
In Chinese medicine the heart is considered to be the sovereign, with the brain as the administrator. In the west we have turned this upside down and put the administrator in charge. This is like giving all the power to self-serving bureaucrats and diminishing the sovereign to nothing more than a figure-head. I’ve always thought it interesting to note that the brain has built-in barriers to certain molecules whereas the heart is open to everything the blood has to offer.
Look at our educational system. There is an enormous amount of money, time and energy put into teaching mathematics and less and less given to the arts. If you want to put someone in their head, teach them algebra. If you want to cultivate the heart, teach them to understand beauty.
But the two need to work together, in the right relationship. Heart first, brain second.
Math (science) and Art do work closely together. Many studies involving patterns of brain activity during an fMR word association task performed by artists and scientists show strikingly similar patterns of activity in multiple regions of association cortex and areas involved in socio-effective processing.
Being a trained electronics engineer specialist in telecommunication (10 years working experience in telecommunication industry and 10 years experience working as a software engineer) myself, I can attest to that. I’ve met a lot of gifted engineers autodidact artists. The same is true for my husband and myself.
Ooooo I am excited to see that the studies of HeartMath Institute are cited here today !
Thank you Eben and Karen for sharing .. i am aquainted with this work and helped lots of clients with this knowledge!
I use your advice of today on a daily basis .. and its becoming a second nature.
Wishing you all a wonderful heart expansion.