We are on a journey of experience, of the heart and soul, not accessible to the armchair philosopher through academic scholarship alone.
It is critical that we not be seduced by simplistic falsehoods about an assumed world, but strive to assess and deal with the world as it truly is. That’s not always easy, as myriad messages and opinions bombard our daily lives. As human beings seeking a deeper understanding of our existence, we can access inner wisdom that can help us sort the real from the illusion. Personal experience is key in helping us realize a more complete understanding.
It’s not necessary to wait for a spontaneous spiritual experience. It is possible to generate direct, firsthand personal experience by developing a regular practice of going within. We can create a rich, internal spiritual connection through prayer, meditation, mindfulness or contemplation.
If you are new to meditation or prayer, set aside a time each day throughout the next 33 days to sit quietly and observe your natural pattern of breathing. Many experts recommend 20 minutes twice day, but even 10 minutes each day is enough to start. If you already have a meditation routine, continue with that practice.
Pay attention to your experiences and don’t immediately dismiss them out of hand. Keep a journal and record your insights or thoughts while participating in various exercises over the next 33 days. Make note of any synchronicities, meaningful dreams or unexpected occurrences that you might experience.
Select a regular time each day to establish a routine of quiet contemplation for at least 10-20 minutes and during this time, with closed eyes, simply observe your natural pattern of breathing.
Hi, I am Dr Iqbaldeep Sona Kaur. I identify as a Sikh Punjabi East Asian Indian. I have been aware about spirituality since I was very young. My parents who are both retired now have been professors in Punjabi and authored many books on Spirituality, Sikh religion philosophy and folk lore.
My own background is in Information Technology and Computer Science Engineering and research related to Artificial Intelligence. I lost my only younger sibling, 31-year old brother to a sudden cardiac arrest in 2018 December. Since then the life turned upside down for us, I started exploring about western view of spiritually in addition to my own culture. After reading many books and watching videos, I came across Dr Evan’s NDE description and the research being done in DOPS. All of this is wonderful. It felt like it is my inner calling to connect to this kind of research, where Science and Spirituality meet. Many concepts are very similar and circle back to Sikh philosophy as mentioned in the Guru Granth Sahib and ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ.
I have been doing meditation and Yoga before and I have now joined this 33- day practice to evolve on this beautiful journey of love and oneness.
Sona Kaur
Dear Doctor Alexander.
I come late to this group and activity, after many years of profound scepticism and agnosticism regarding everything mystical/spiritual. I was raised a Catholic but lost my religion in my teens, and drifted ever further into a deeply empirical-materialist view of the universe as I studied Earth Science, Life Sciences, Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience, completing with a Master’s Degree at Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge in England.
I have been a practising Psychology teacher and lecturer for over 20 years, and trained bereavement and PTSD counsellor (pro bono) as well, and I was incredibly fortunate to spend 42 idyllic years married to my true soul-mate, best friend, colleague and lover (we both felt like two halves of one person, needing absolutely nobody else to be thoroughly happy, and our love was further blessed by the birth of two splendid, hardworking and adorable children, who are now happily married and enjoying loving family life as well). So in every way we felt perfectly fulfilled, after having spent half our lives before we met feeling deeply lonely (both emotionally and spiritually). The instant we met as work colleagues, we both felt like two magnets that had been searching for one another: our meeting of minds was instantaneous. And after a few months of circling each other while our platonic rapport deepened, at last we had the courage to declare our mutual love and take our relationship to its logical, euphoric consummation, quickly followed by marriage, because we both knew we could never bear to be separated again.
But last year, my lovely, brilliant, devoted husband died after a brief and violent illness, and ever since then I have been devastated. My world crashed to pieces around me. Indeed, were it not for the fact that our lovely children would be incredibly hurt by such an act of selfishness, I would have taken my own life by now, because every single day I feel the undiminished torture of being ripped in half, with the better half of myself lying in a grave. People insist that in time my agony will end. All I can say is that 8 months on I still feel unremitting anguish, and goodness knows I’ve tried to improve for the sake of our children. They need a loving, supportive mother, not this grieving, disorganised mess. But how do I go on when I feel cut adrift on a raft without an anchor, tossed about in a storm that never eases for an instant? It takes all my strength and courage just to cling on!
Over the past months I’ve read and wept and listened to all sorts of advice and dug into all the philosophy books I could find – Hindu, Budhhist, Christian, Spiritualist, you name it – in a desperate search for something – ANYTHING – to ease my torture and reassure me that this isn’t the last of it, that I SHALL reunite with my beloved husband somewhere. For me, the thought of death ‘parting’ us, as the Christian wedding ritual proposes, feels like a blasphemy. I cannot conceive of ever feeling close, let alone ‘wedded’, to anybody else, ever again. My husband was quite simply myself; we were ONE. How can I stand, let alone walk, with only one leg and half my mind and heart?
So finding your book ‘Proof of Heaven’, written from the perspective of a person who like myself is a neuroscientist and spent years as an empiricist and sceptic before your amazing experience, has given me more hope than anything else I’ve found so far. I’m still in immense pain; I still wake up weeping every day; but now I can try to pretend that I’m feeling ‘better’, because now I have a glimmer of hope that doesn’t merely feel like a flight of fancy or wishful thinking. And I simply must find out more about that realm you describe. Through my reading, I’ve been gradually drifting towards a panpsychist view of the universe, so your work is immensely plausible to me from that perspective.
This is why I have signed up for your 33 day experience, and committed to reading all your books. And oh, I SO hope that what you describe will prove true for me and my Beloved, too! I cannot bear to think otherwise!
To close, Doctor Alexander: thank you for the hope you give me, more precious to my bruised heart than I can ever express.
What a touching and simply beautiful portrayal of a life well lived with your soulmate. I can’t imagine your loss. Please just know that a person on the other side of the world is thinking of you, and wishing healing for you.
I don’t know if this will help you, but I wanted to share it with you. What brought me to Eben Alexander’s page was hearing him speak (on tv in the background while I was cooking) and he repeated almost word for word what I had heard when I had my NDE as a teenager. Truly, almost word for word. It shook me up, as I guess I thought I may have been dreaming/hallucinating that message and the overwhelming feeling of unconditional love that came with it.
The message I was given was:
“There is nothing to fear.
Everything always has, and always will be alright.
You always have, and always will be protected.
You have always been and always will be loved, and there is nothing you can do that will ever change this love.”
I didn’t believe in God before this. Afterwards, I started referring to the voice as The Great Love.
The place where I received that message can only be described as home, and I didn’t want to leave. It is kind of funny as I had fought so hard, not wanting to leave this plane of existence and yet within seconds of being “there”, I would have given anything to stay there with the Great Love.
In my journey since this experience, I have been devastated to lose two precious children. While nothing will ever make this experience ok, I will say that I KNOW they are in the best of hands, and that I will see them again. I don’t know why I have to stay on now, as it felt like my purpose left me when they did. I do, however, trust completely in that Great Love.
My lessons here must not be done, and my soul still has work to do. I’ll do my best with the time I have left to ease the burden for others less fortunate, and live my life without regrets.
I wish you all the best, and please reach out if you would like someone to talk to – I can never say I know what you are going through, but I do understand the pain of losing what you cherish.
Dear Dani
I see from the date of your comments that a few months have passed.
I wonder how your journey had developed since then ?
Where are you now in the landscape of mourning ? Have you expereinced any consolation
or perhaps even a confirming dream that your beloved is with you ?
On one hand I could envy you and what you and your husband were able to create together.
Yet, I believe that we all are on our very specific paths in this amazing universe, and all that we are gifted with
and all that we suffer contributes to our individual evolution as well as to the ongoing
evolution of all that exists.
So we live our one-ness in this rich diversity.
May the LOVE and LIGHT that you continue to dwell in ,lead you deeper into the mystery of being human.
Be the blessing you are !
This is my Day 1. I’m hoping to deepen my meditation practice using Sacred Acoustics recordings. I want to bring presence into every day living, and begin a self-inquiry practice. My ultimate goal is to establish fertile ground in my awareness for non-dual realization and the falling away of ego identification.
Hi, like Eban Alexander MD, I am also an adopted person. I’m a 61 year-old man in Maryland. My adoptive parents passed away (father in 2010 and mother in 2015.). They raised me in the Episcopal Church. I have been in Reunion with my birth mother since 1994. She has long been interested in Theosophy, and at her recommendation, I read Proof of Heaven, Map of Heaven and Living in a Mindful Universe. (Well, it was audiobook versions so actually I listened to them.). She also got me interested in Sacred Acoustics, which I just started using for meditation and as a sleep aid when I have insomnia. I think there is some overlap between my Episcopal / Christian beliefs and Metaphysical Idealism. They both are counter to materialism. I can grasp Heaven as a consciousness that is greater than individual consciousness, and the idea of the brain as a reducing valve so that we humans don’t get too overwhelmed by spirituality that we can’t function on earth. I have a bit more difficulty with belief in reincarnation, because that is harder to reconcile with my faith, but I will keep an open mind. I feel I will cross that bridge when I get to it, in the afterlife. I am hoping to see my beloved adoptive parents in the afterlife, and my beloved birth father, who I got to know for a few years before his passing in 2018. My birth mother is still alive and going strong, and I enjoy her company. I would like to meet my biological grandparents, none of whom I had the chance to meet. Eben’s account of meeting his birth sister who had already passed gives me encouragement. Looking forward to this program.
Hello Ed. If you do some research, you will discover that reincarnation was part of the early Christian teachings, but was abandon when it became evident it wasn’t economically good for the church. Check it out. It’s true. Blessings!
Back in my thirties I took up Hinduism and visited India where I spent 5 weeks living in the ashram of an internationally renowned guru. He initiated me into Kundalini Shaktipat and after 5 weeks of daily devotions, I developed a deep feeling of blissfulness that culminated with a group of new acolytes who accosted me on their first day in the ashram excitedly asking me how I managed to get that ‘shining light’. Obviously something profound had happened to me that was perceptible to others.
I pursued this discipline for 15 years but eventually moved away from Hinduism as it no longer resonated with me as a workable theology. After some time and a lot of study, I eventually moved to Christianity and am now deeply convicted of the practical, existential and theological truth it offers. However, I’ve never lost that feeling that there was something very real about the Hindu experience; especially as regards that deeply blissful connection I felt with the oneness of the universe – the very thing Eben talks about experiencing during his NDE. Indeed it was his witness to this experience that led me to this course.
When I’ve discussed the experience of deep blissfulness I felt as a Hindu with Christian pastors and theologians, they’ve always rejected what I went through as being demonically motivated and not relevant to the Christian experience. I’ve never been convinced of this assertion. After all, the Christian faith refers to ‘Shikinah Glory’ as an experience of the same kind of blissfulness I encountered in India but linked to the Christian Triune God. No demons involved there.
It’s my firm conviction that this state can be achieved within the context of my existing faith and have often thought the modern church has somehow lost that discipline of meditative prayer that can help one get to that same point of bliss I experienced so many years ago in India. I’m hoping your course will be a relevant part of that searching and I’m looking forward to committing to the 33 day challenge.
I hope that it is ok for me to be commiting, here, to resumption of my practice of TM, a system that has always been very effective for me. Eben and Karen’s work has inspired me to recommit to TM after a hiatus of 22 years, which occurred after steady practice over 25 years prior thereto. I will be intrigued by the acoustic offerings here, and am also a graduate of Silva Mind Control training, but for me, TM is not only highly effective, but also effortless…Like Karen. when I began meditating so long ago, I had difficulty quieting my thoughts, but my TM teachers helped me get past that….So I remain loyal to TM as my go-to for striving to sustain connection to collective consciousness….That said, Eben and Karen are now moving me way beyond the objectives of my basic TM training and into the realms of APPLIED cosmic consciousness…
Dear Eben, Karen and the Tribe,
Thanks for this wonderful opportunity for further exploration over the next 33 days. It is day 1 and I have just read the introduction. Eben’s journey during the meningitis coma and beyond is fascinating, I heard his account many times and read proof of heaven.
As a sufi muslim, I am not new to spirituality but I have never delved deliberately into a practice to gain deeper understanding and connection. But I have experienced connections through sleep and “dreams”, only I know they were encounters with spiritual beings and not mere dreams. I agree 100% that the truth does not lie in what we experience here and now – there is a greater and far more vivid truth than that and it starts in the depths of our subconscious mind. And, yes, I never thought that the brain creates consciousness! It will be an interesting journey that I start with you today and I can’t wait. Thanks again and best wishes. Ishraga
This is my Day 1. I have been listening to Sacred Acoustics for about a couple of months. I find them to be very powerful. It is 10 PM and I am just reading theses instructions. I have meditated in the past and will take 10-20 minutes of quiet time tomorrow, although I’ll be jonesing for some Full Moon or Heart Presence while I’m focusing on my breathing. Would it be OK to listen to that at this time in the process?
Hi Eben… A couple years ago in a book store in Ecuador by “casualty” I found your book I can´t stop read was magnific and your name stayed recorded in my mind… Has been passed some time and I am trying to make my spiritual journey and yesterday again by “casusalty” I found your content.
Thank you very much for this. It is greatful that you continue to share your experience of REAL with the world.
I hope and I know that sometime we will meet, talk and meditate together.
Galo Cruz
You might also check out https://www.innersanctumcenter.com/united for a free webinar series.
Thanks to Eben and Karen for doing all this,
Have had a expirence before after waking up in the morning i fell back to sleep and my dreams have allways been a dim passiv dream movie like, can’t visualize with eyes closed but mins after i closed my eyes i woke in the dream like from a very long sleep all rested stood up and walked down stairs and saw very vivid lots of people happy running around and there on a sofa i saw my deseased father now cancer free and healthy in his best year, its so strange cause he looked right at me and then he smiled, and when he did that it was as if my hole body was filled with light that was warm and just pure divine love never felt before, he told me Telepathy that he loved me and I said it back to him at this last part i was awake with closed eyes, it happened 12 years ago and its still new in memory, I know this was real cause when I closed my eyes before and after this expirence there is only blackness with some colors thanks for reading my expirence
I began today with exercise one for 10 minutes, attempting to let go of all else except for the observation of my breath. I used to think of breathing as a rhythm of inhaling and exhaling, but I noticed another aspect of my breathing rhythm. Part of the rhythm was a period of rest. Inhale, exhale, rest, inhale, exhale, rest… I also noticed that the length of time for rest and inhalation were similar, while the length of time for exhalation was about half the time of the other two components of my breathing pattern. I became aware, as I focused on my breathing, (trying not to analyze it, but to simply experience it), that as I inhaled, I was receiving what I needed, and as I exhaled, I was offering what I did not need to others (such as plants) who need what I did not need. I found that I enjoyed and began to appreciate the periods of rest, which allowed me to be still, not pursuing any particular agenda of receiving or giving – just being. I wonder if rest or stillness is something that needs more attention in my life. Most of my attention has been on giving and receiving for most of my nearly 65 years of life.
Thanks Doug for this. It will help me as u am just starting my day 1. Yes meditation does help us a lot. I like what you say of taking in what your body needs and giving out what you don’t.
My husband recently passed away from a head injury. He was unresponsive and moved to palliative care. Five days before he passed he regained consciousness, was lucid, conversational, ate, talked of love, said “…there is much more than this “. And told me that he had died several days ago. 2 days of this then unresponsive again and died 3 days later. Family and hospital staff witnessed this. This proves to me that consciousness is not dependent on the brain or body and I am greatly comforted. I am thrilled to have found Eben and his books . I am looking forward to “going within”. Thank you Eben and Karen for the guidance and hope,
Thank you for sharing your story!
Have been meditating & praying every morning but now my intention is to go deeper into my true self & discover the depths of all creative consciousness. I will be still & know.
Thank you for the guidance.
Came across Eben through his participation in A Magnificent New Normal, organised by Jeffrey Smith…intrigued, on my journey, I dug deeper. I’m from the UK so hadn’t heard of Eben’s bestseller. So that’s how I came to this website…I am in touch with my soul and at 47 can say that I am looking for roads in to being in touch more and more, because I’m convinced that through that journey lies far far deeper understanding of my purpose, my true self, my connection to ALL and the oneness. I have sensed layers of my different lives and although I don’t dismiss them as imagined, I still don’t fully understand their lesson. But I love and cherish the sense of power, fluidity, wisdom and peace they give me…to know, there is no ending and that everything, always, is as it should be. Day 1 of 33, greetings to all my fellows
I used to meditate and regularly did so for 2 years. All the benefits promised did not inure to me. Its practitioners spoke of a calmer mind, a clearer mind, better sleep, an ability to not attach to negative emotions, etc… That did not happen to me. At some point, in fact, meditating revived some traumatic memories and I could see the images so clearly. After that, I stopped meditating in the formal sense of closing my eyes, counting breath/following breathing patterns. Has anyone had this experience? Should I try again? I don’t want to relive some tough and ugly stuff and thus, am hesitant. Any kind thoughts would be appreciated.
I have not had this experience but just wanted to express my best wishes. This seems to be something that you would need to talk with someone (a teacher of meditation) about. What did you do? Have you continued with this program?
Hi Ty, I feel your moments of anger, anxiety or sadness relating to your meditation experiences. I teach this wonderful practice of going within to unblock the human thought energy that has slowly built up over generations and for some, has negatively impacted on their mind set and physical health. You are not alone. Meditation can sometimes feel daunting and can feel like you are at war with the brain and physical state but please know that as you sift through the memories of old and “clean out the pipes” of ego based thought patterns you will delve into the wonderful place of self realization. A place where the unconditional joy starts to seep through every cell of your being and you will feel that you are so much more than just the physical identity in this dimension. Please keep going, we all need the duality and contrast to help us evolve and learn why we are sentient beings on this adventure. Eben Alexander is a wonderful refreshing alternative into this exploration of self. The world is in this surge of enlightenment, predicted by masters and gurus of old and there are so many of us tuning in and letting consciousness flow more freely. You are a light shining through and Ebens words and teachings are helping you to know that!
Hello Ty, More than 10 years ago I began meditating and I had many flashes of painful memories, even scary people. Without guidance from anyone, I felt vulnerable so I stopped meditating. I am meditating again today, on my own, and I have figured out that the purpose of meditation is to go within and look at the scary parts of ourselves, our darkness. When we choose to face these scary things (memories) we can then forgive ourselves for our past actions as being just misunderstandings. We are not mistakes and we are not bad, we were a result of our own misunderstanding about our true selves, our spirit or soul self. We have to look at our inner self with love, not fear, in order to make progress in furthering our spiritual selves. Keep practicing and in time you will notice that more and more light will enter the space within you and less attention will go to the mind based fear of things. I think Leonard Cohen said, without the cracks, the light cannot enter, or something like that. I had to crack myself open, in fact, I had a heart attack in order to crack my heart open and receive the love of my truest self. Be well.
I’ve been experimenting with guided meditation for several months but day 1 is my first on my own. Lot of mind chatter and agitation at first so I started counting through my breath in for 4, hold for 4, breathe out for 8, hold for 4. Soon I noticed calm and better breath control with less chatter. I now actually feel better physically too. 10 min.
Monday (28 Sept) is the 6 year anniversary of my NDE. I was in the outer realms for 3 days. I don’t subscribe to coincidence, only signs and synchronicities, and I fell asleep on the couch 2 days ago with Gaia channel’s Beyond Belief series playing on the TV. Something woke me up about 2:30am and Eben was on the show talking about his experience. I knew this was a sign, though completely unaware of how? I did my homework and registered for this 33 day experience yesterday. I meditated this morning for the first time in 6 years since my event. I’m following his instructions religiously. Wish me luck.
Day 1
Within a half hour after my 20 minute meditation while listening to Irish music, I picked up a plastic bag in my office which happened to be from a trip we took in 2017 to Dublin and Cork. Talk about synchronization! Shortly after that I found a pair of expensive earbuds that I had lost and had been desperately looking for for weeks. I can say for sure that I feel more awake and aware. Looking forward to continue being more aware of small situations that are coming to me and being outwardly thankful.
Can hardly wait for Day 2.
Having had some experiences throughout my life that I believe are from spirits, I am really interested in starting this course. The first day is tough! I have never meditated, though I do pray. Today, I set the time for 10 mins to see how it went. Lots of various thoughts in my head, all of which I wrote down afterwards. Hard to stop my mind from go-g0-going! I was surprised at what I did think about, and even more surprised at what I did not think about…
I have heard so much about meditation and different ways to do it, that I’ve become stumped. How do I know if I’m doing it right? What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to experience? I like that this is starting off with a simple meditation exercise without the wonder and confusion about getting it right. Sit and observe your breathing… I can do that!
I am glad to have discovered this course. I have always known there was more than meets the eye, and believed there was something beyond the everyday living, but I could not place a finger on it. I have also been a seeker since i was a child. I have read many metaphysical books and also lots on reincarnation. That is how I got attracted to Dr Alexander’s books and tapes, now this. I believe I am going to enjoy this 33 day journey. Thank you so much Eben and Karen
Thank you for your guidence.
I have used the meditation guidelines of Susan Piver on Youtube to practice very basic meditation of observing the breath.
Her website is Open Heart Project with lots of advanced lessons.
I am a beginner although,I’ve been awaken since very young. For starters, i have detailed recollections of things that happened before I was a year old. I remember people, smells and conversations people had In front of me when an infant. I have confirmed this with my mother. One of my first memories are from a past life and it’s been coming to me in the form of dreams. This one in particular that repeated over and over since I was a baby and that always seems to leave me with a sense of anguish and sadness that i can’t explain. I did a session of past life regression and remembered 2 other lives. The one on my dreams did not came to me on that session. I hope i can learn how to find answers that I have in regards of this particular life through this process. Thank you and blessings to you both!
I’m curious, by now you would have finished the 33 day program. I’m just at day one. Did you have luck with uncovering the past life? Did you achieve your goals with the program? Personally I’m not sure what to expect yet, but I’m hoping for a clearer connection with my inner being/intuition.
I have daily meditation practice of 1-2 hours a day, sometimes longer. It has shifted every area of my life. My mind doesn’t quiet down until 37 minutes in, so 20 minutes would just make me think it doesn’t work.
Wow! What a range of experience w/ so many things that affect us all: how to be happier, healthier, more loving, more peaceful, & so on. I have sitting at least 10 minutes trying to frame my concern about why the Almighty bothered to create human beings at all. My main focus is Falun Dafa & Le Hongjer makes no mention (that I can find) of why we come to planet Earth to clear our karmic debts, good & bad. He does mention that if you are born, then you must have done something bad, which I don’t take as a comment on humanity in general, just a way to make it clear that improving yourself while in a dense body is important. So, any thoughts about that would be appreciated.!
I have been practicing meditation on a formal daily basis for one year now beginning when I undertook the Mindfulness and Stress Reduction course through the UMass Center for Mindfulness and Stress rRduction developed under the leadership of John Kabat Zinn. I have practiced informal Mindfulness for the past 30 years beginning with my reading of Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hahn. Mindfulness has permeated my life and my work as an artist and university educator and researcher. I first read Proof of Heaven while my late husband was in hospice and following his ascension, I read Living in a Mindful Universe. Both life changing books that I found transformative and affirmational.Both my husband and I had the wondrous experience of working with an energy healer, Michael Simonson, who was with during my husband’s passing into the light. I did experience an NDE with my husband. As you know, this is beyond transformative in every way! Michael remains a close friend and spiritual guide. I am setting time aside for an additional early morning meditqtion as I follow this 33 day journey with you. During meditation, I find my “monkey mind” calmed and centered, helped by paying close attention to my breathing ( from the belly not the upper chest). Since our thoughts shape our reality, I often use the words, ” I am love, I am light, I am Source manifest” during my meditatoin. I often experience a beautiful radiance as if a lunimous star is filling my heart and permeating my entire body and all my energy centers. I am filled with peace and love.
I look forward to our journey together. Love and Light!
Interesting… I tried your phrase in meditation today… since my cat was sitting with me, they morphed into “We are love, we are light, we are Source manifest”… then into “All is love, all is light, all is Source” and “All is life, all is Source.”
Very good, that you point out right at the start to watch out for synchronicities, meaningful dreams or unexpected occurrences! All these are to my experience signs that you made a connection and that you are on the right path. And all these signs are so easily dismissed in the beginning. It takes some time and experience to notice them and trust in the message they present to you. Indeed they are the key!
Thank you to you both ! Just starting, already impressed by simplicity, truth and Love 🙂
I have just begun Day 1. It was quite relaxing and refreshing! I used to meditate on a daily basis to help alleviate the pain and anxieties associated with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome. Unfortunately I got away from my daily routine for a number of reasons. I went from meditating daily to only every once in a while, which caused me to lose focus. Then my good habits turned into bad ones increasing my frustrations and anxieties, not to mention my pain levels. I still utilized breathing techniques that I had learned to help me deal with my pain when it would flare up due to weather changes, over exertion, emotional issues and a number of other things. However doing this first day of meditation for a half hour made me realize the importance of going back to my daily meditations! Everyone needs to set that personal alone and quiet time aside each and every day!
I can’t wait to see what comes on days 2 to 33! Right now I have so many personal problems going on within the Family that I found it increasingly hard to deal with even simple things. That is why I went online in search of something I could do long term to rejuvenate myself. Thank GOD I found Eben Alexander’s 33 Day Plan. I will go through the entire thirty three days in an effort to make things better for not only myself, but for the rest of my Family!
I call it “coming home to myself” time. Just being and letting things be. Being in observation, being in experience. Being aware of every sound, every sensation. Every thought, too; having thoughts is no problem if we just let them come and go, like clouds. If we fight thoughts, we create conflict, the opposite of what we’re after. Free of complaints, we are free! (Sometimes we don’t know when we’re complaining. Any struggle or resistance when we sit to “just be” is a type of complaint. I like to get up two hours before I leave for work so I can thoroughly enjoy simply breathing/being.
I really don’t haver the remotest idea what I’m supposed to be observing about my breathing.
It really is quite simple – place your attention on your breathing. You may observe the pace of your breaths, how it feels moving in and out of your nose, the temperature, perhaps your stomach rising and falling – just anything you notice about it. That’s all there is to it.
Thank you Karen. I only remembered today that I’d posted a comment back in June, and have therefore only just read the replies.
When I take REALLY deep breaths from my stomach and hold them for 45 seconds I become totally immersed in the act of breathing. After about 10 such breaths I résume normal breathing by which time I am totally absorbed in my meditation… works really well at bedtime…
Hi John – Proof of Heaven AND Mindful Universe helped me understand this. I’ll start Day Two today – I am a skeptical beginner but Newell and Alexander have opened my heart and mind. Good luck and God bless!
Hi Clark, Just yesterday I remembered I’d posted my comment, so please excuse my lack of reply ’till now. I heard Eben telling his story to an audience quite some time ago now, but will definitely get hold of his books, as you suggest. Eben’s is yet another angle on the whole subject of consciousness…something I’ve been reading about for a long time. I’ve been firmly of the ‘non-dual’ ‘idealist’ persuasion for most of that time, having first encountered the concepts in ‘A Course in Miracles’. My reading has encompassed Wei Wu Wei, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Tony Parsons, Richard Sylvester, Rupert Spira, ‘Sailor Bob’ Adamson (here in Oz), Bernardo Kastrup and various others. I wish you well on your own journey, and thank you for your kind words.
Just a fun note: In Tibetan Mahamudra Vajrayana Dzochen meditations, there are many things one can observe about the breath; there are also many different ways of “tethering the mind” by using awareness to explore various facets of the breath. Doing these exercises brings about a great stillness. You can become the air going into and out of your lungs, touch the air with awareness to notice its surface and core temperatures, explore the point at which you exhale air into the environment, and much, much more. These exercises develop the inner senses at the same time they lead beyond useless mind chatter.
I have been living a metaphysical lifestyle for a few decades now. I read about Dr. Alexander’s NDE several years ago. Its so nice so have such great validation from a doctor. So glad I found this web site! Looking forward to my journey.
My intent is to get back into the practice of meditation; for several years I was a daily meditator and it was the highlight literally of my day, but got sidetracked and have been very sporadic for the past couple of years. I have made various attempts to get back into it unsuccessfully. I have signed up for this course because I felt that the accountability coupled with the intent would be the most effective way to establish this most important practice back into my life. Thank you and I feel so blessed to have been led to this.
It’s my first time ever to come across Eben and as i listened to his story on YouTube, i recollected my near death experience during the birth of my son several years ago, but it was so vivid yesterday. i knew it was not by chance i stumbled into him and i feel like God is reaching out to my inner desire for consciousness. I have now began my journey. Thanks Eben and Karen for guiding me through.
Rome, Italy -day one-returning to awareness of breathing after dabbling in distractions; noise of cars passing on street 5 floors down from an open window, letting go of time measuring, laundry machine running, stress and pain in jaw etc. Toward the end of session mantra appears repetitively; ‘Redeeming qualities like coupons not for merchandise.’
Perth Australia
Day One… Hello everyone, have started meditating to Om. In 1988 my grandfather visited me in my dream state shortly after his death. ( he said, I am well and happy ) he was vibrant and looked much younger. I have always felt it difficult each morning when I wake, as I feel that I am leaving friends and experiences behind, yet don’t recall after I wake up.
I appreciate Eben and Karen’s work in getting their message out there! Look forward to using other meditations in the future.
I’ve tried the academic route, the “armchair philosopher,” so to speak. It doesn’t get one anywhere close.
I’ve been meditating on and off for 20+ years with varying degrees of success.
I look forward to these next 33 days.
Thank you….looking forward to the next 32 days. Love from NZ
Meditation: I got the focus on the things that stress’ me. I felt the fear of how things are doing for a person close to me. I let everything pass. I wrote it all down afterwards and from there I can solve the problem or let them go. And it was great!
I do have “a daily” meditation practice for some years.
I was blessed to have the opportunity to listen to Eben speak in Charleston yesterday. I was invited by a friend who helped organize this very well attended lecture event at a local church downtown. This friend felt it important to notify me by email about this lecture well before it was officially announced to the public. On my birthday 12 days ago, my brother-in-law presented me with a special gift…. an audio book on consciousness and meditation by Dr. Joe Dispenza which I have been listening to for the past few days on my drive to and from work. My sister and brother-in-law have been deep into the spiritual healing arts for some time now and both practice Pranic Healing. My journey has just begun.
I had an 18- year career as an emergency room doctor and now after 16- years of self study in functional and integrative medicine do just that in a private practice. Of the Mind-Body-Spirit; the Spirit has always been my weakest link… so this journey for me is to strengthen this aspect of my Holistic Medicine practice not only for me personally, but also for the good of my patients. The day before the lecture, I commented to my wife that I needed to take a course/class in meditation. I never had to go seek one out, it literally landed on my lap yesterday. Talk about Synchronicity. Wow is my first response.
Dear people, I am exited to be on this journey. Read Living in a Mindful Universe three months ago. I was thrilled about the astronaut experiencing the conscious universe in space. I love Eben´s concept “fellow beings” and Karen’s ability to understand animals, because I am a biologist. I’d love to expand my understanding about nature. Have been listening Sacred Acoustics recordings for about two months. I’m quite unfamiliar with these new (electric) realms, that when I get odd experiences, I startle and jump out of meditation. So I think I need this group. I am familiar with meditation and yoga though.
I have know expectations. I am keeping an open mind and trying to put my fundamentalist teachings on a shelf. Years ago I started meditating and had a feeling of falling in voices…..freaked me out and i immediately came back into myself. Even that explanation isn’t giving the complexity of it all. Yesterday I started and felt emotional. I decided to go with it rather than suppress it. Was different…stay tuned
I’m new to this. For the first 2 days am I simply sitting quiet focusing on my breathing for 20 minutes?
Yes, that is correct. We will add further instructions each day.
Hi Kimberly,
I just want to say that I can relate to what you shared; needing to set aside some fundamentalist – conditioned thinking, in order to take this journey of your own, direct spiritual experience. It can be a challenge. Wishing you well on your journey.
I have 13+ years of chronic pain. After having exhausted all sorts of treatments, medications, and even surgeries without any success, I’m hoping to find any level of relief via meditation. Found it quite challenging to stay still for 20 mins in either sitting or lying down position due to the pain, but will continue persisting. Thanks for the work you’re doing.
Hi Alex, a psychologist with expertise in chronic pain can help you with meditative practice and other things you can do that will help. Biofeedback might also be helpful. I am hoping this will help you. Take care.
Hi Alex, Sorry to hear that you’ve been suffering with this pain for so long. Have you tried hypnotherapy for this? (e.g. Old Pain2Go or Freddy Jacquin). If not I would recommend you do, quite some people get relieve from this through these kinds of hypnotherapy. Another thing you could try is working with an intention group. (Lynne Mc Taggart The Power of Eight). Hope this is somewhat helpful info for you. Good luck!
Hi Alex,
I lived with chronic pain in my neck for 10 years and although my own father was an orthopedic surgeon and also both of my brothers were doctors they could not help me to find the cure for my pain.
I saw many different surgeons and doctors with top reviews and great experience and all I got was more physical therapy and medicine and injection in my spine.
All these provided temporary relief still I had to deal with a lot of pain often. for many years.
I was doing meditation for a while but not with enough focus.
I strarted doing meditation every day for two hours and although it was hard first it got easier and after few months after finishing my meditation I referred to an upper spine specialist by a freind and I found out that the first vertebrae of my neck was moved and my spine was out of alignment.
He gently fixed it and my pain went away.
I found out later that ordinary doctors are not trained to diagnose this problem and many people like me go to so much pain and even unnecessary surgery because they are not even aware of this condition.
I saw a vision through one of my meditation that was like an encouragement and and I knew somehow I will find help.
I believe the therapy and help was always available for me but through my focused meditation I finally find the right person.
I think if you can learn to do focused meditation your answer will come to you.
Hope this helps!
Hello Eben, Karen, and friends,
I watched one of Eben’s interviews with Jeffrey Mishlove, which impressed me, and then searched for Eben’s books and found mention of this free 33 day course at the bottom of the book description. Looking forward to learning further from your expertise and experience regarding spiritual life. Thank you, and best wishes to all who read this comment.
Thankyou for your website. After 30 minutes and hearing outside rain,crows,birds,humming in the distant of a car, I was thinking of the Universe and Aristotles phrase popped into my head. The Whole is Greater then the Sum of its Parts.
I attended your presentation of Proof of Heaven at Centenary UMC 5 years ago, and was happy to see you again last Sunday covering Living in a Mindful Universe. I look forward to this journey.
I am starting this 33 day journey with no expectations attached. In my spiritual deconstruction and no reconstruction I have come across this resource… And with the encouragement of seeing a friend start meditation… I am allowing the journey to take me where I feel the spirit has led me to this point. Just finished the first day and I’m looking forward to seeing where the next 32 to take me. I guess it’s always hard to express what you think and feel but as I read proof of heaven I was struck with the idea that as my journey has shown that there is something deeper within the universe and our traditional ways of explaining or experiencing it or mere glimpses of a greater reality. So I am just trusting that I will get a greater glimpse through this experience. Thank you for the free resource.
Dear Karen and Eben:
In years past, I had been a fan or follower of Tim Leary, Aldous Huxley (Doors of Perception) and Richard Albert who later became Ram Dass (Be Here Now). I was first attracted to their work with psilocybin mushrooms and LSD. As I evolved, I was then greatly affected by both Ram Dass and then his teacher Neem Karoli Baba, and so began the beginning of my spiritual path. Later I worked for Dr. John C Lilly of Communication Research Institute who was doing brain research withDolphins and their communication social skills (Man and Dolphin). He also later wrote “The Center of the Cyclone” and additionally spent time in Chile with Oscar Ichazo. He too was doing research with LSD and expanded consciousness and started to work in Sensory Deprivation Tanks during his research.
Years later, I became interested in NDE books as some of their stories sounded in some ways familiar with some experiences I had in meditation in the Ashram OBE. I eventually stumbled across Robert Monroe and his books. After reading all three of his books I became interested in his newly invented Hemi Sync Technology developed by him and the Monroe Institute. This started me down another path of exploration.
Next I came across the “Seth Books”. Books channeled through Jane Roberts and transcribed by her husband. Then I was introduced by a like minded soul, to Jerry and Esther Hicks. In case you don’t know, today Esther is still channeling a collective consciousness, which she has named Abraham, for ease of getting her message out to those who have an interest to hear their teachings. Again, around that same time, a like minded soul introduced me to Sacred Acoustics, and as a quite remarkable coincidence, I was reading “Proof of Heaven” at that time. I am now almost finished with your book “Living in a Mindful Universe”.
I’m very excited about the work you are both doing, as I feel it may be some of the most important work of our time.
Looking forward to an ever expanding journey together,
Namaste….with love, Mark Bolten
I have been drawn to this 33 day spiritual journey because I relate on a deep level to Eben’s story in many different ways.
Firstly, I have also been blessed with similar spiritual and mystical experiences as described in Proof of Heaven, albeit through a very different path. Mine came about through spending 6 years in close proximity to a genuine Sufi Master of the Islamic tradition in the early 1980’s. During this time at various points I felt the reality of the spiritual world come very close to consciousness in ways that were similarly much more “Real” than this day to day world in which we spend most of our time. I felt the presence of unconditional love throughout my whole being, the purity and light of angelic presence, a sense of Oneness and the oneness of the senses, deep and powerful knowledge passed directly into my heart without words like a piercing white light………………….. and so much more…………………………………..Each experience arising uniquely at a particular time and for a specific purpose on my spiritual journey.
Secondly, I have been very close to death myself recently through an infectious illness and also been “miraculously” cured, although again the circumstances were very different to Eben’s. 4 years ago I was struck down by an unknown infection with a continuous very high temperature. Due to my own mistaken and somewhat arrogant belief that my system would heal itself without outside help, added to my GP’s lack of care and insight, it was 3 months before I was taken to hospital only to find out that I had a severe case of infective endocarditis. I had become so weak that an underlying prostate problem developed into complete urinary retention for which I was catheterised. I was close to death. 8 weeks of intravenous antibiotics followed and a further 6 months of virtual bedrest at home before I was able to undergo prostate surgery so that the catheter could be removed followed closely by open heart surgery to repair the damaged mitral valve. Healing was on 2 levels. Firstly the physical level which from my perspective was quite “miraculous”. Experiencing teams of focussed and dedicated people working together to apply centuries of accumulated knowledge in order to save my life for the benefit of not only myself but also my family, friends and loved ones was absolutely astounding and genuinely humbling – although paradoxically, for the doctors and nurses themselves I was just one of many lives they save on a regular and routine basis. Secondly, on an inner level, many months of quiet inner reflection, meditation and prayer allowed me to see and fully understand the physical and emotional patterns and false beliefs that led me into this dark place in the first place. The final result is that I am now more happy and “healthy” than ever on all levels – and perhaps, God willing, a little wiser too!
I am very heartened to see that Eben and Karen are offering this introductory course free of charge. If I needed it (which I don’t) this would be further proof of their sincerity and the reality of their teaching. There are so many false teachers out there these days who use other people’s spiritual insecurities to become rich and powerful while their teaching actually makes their followers weaker and more dependant on them in the process – they are simply aping and propagating the destructive and materialistic external value systems of our crazy mixed up world.
But, of course as we all know, even though it is priceless and the most precious of all gifts, Unconditional Love, like the sunshine, is free and available for all who are able and willing to receive it and the lack of charge for this course simply reflects that truth. Of course there will always be those who believe that the more you pay for something the better and more powerful it must be, which can often be true on a purely physical level, but in the world of spirit different rules apply.
There has never been a more important time for the Western World to hear and take on board messages and stories like Eben’s and Karen’s. We are on the edge of an abyss and in danger of losing touch completely with Reality and our own spirit/soul both individually and collectively. We have also spread this materialistic and myopic viewpoint far and wide to the detriment of the whole planet. But the potential for positive change is incredible and always present. By joining together both Science and the Spirit once again and bringing our hearts back into the central frame of life, the possibilities, I believe, are truly limitless for all of us.
I am greatly looking forward to being with everyone in spirit on this course for a short while.
Many blessings and best wishes to all
Hi, looking forward to the next 33 days. I read Proof of Heaven and Eben 2nd book. I am a medical professional who just retired and going thru some tough times right now. I started my spiritual journey in 1992 when I almost died. I have had a few spiritual experiences the out my life that had been very transforming for me. I had gotten off this path for a while now and hopefully your 33 days will get me back on
Thank you for your work and outreach to bridge the gap between material science and spiritual connectivity while encouraging the individual journey. My father has experienced the very slow and sad deterioration of Alzheimer’s disease and is now in its final stages. Your work has helped me find peace and I am now sharing sacred acoustic music with him thanks to your generous commitment to share your experiences and findings. Greatly appreciated.
Thanks Eben and Karen, I really loved reading “Living in a Mindful Universe” I am excited to start the 33 day journey. I find this book so motivating – and wish for a successful outcome for all. Thank you again! This helps me continue on my spiritual path – as I have been searching for something a little more. Your book gave me great ideas that I have started to use in my every day life. I love learning and I love life and happy to have read this book — as well as Proof of Heaven and Map of Heaven.
I have read the first book and am looking forward to trying to learn how to slow down my brain at times.I am an ex soldier in Australia and have been looking at ways to slow down and live in the now.I hope meditation can help me in this area even though I am constantly going to other thoughts.
Thank you I have also had a look at sacred acoustics and download some material also.
Thanks, Karen and Eben!
I’m hoping to rid my mind of inferiority complexes.
I love you both..all sincere brothers and sisters who are trying to experience the Truth of our Being.
Ontario Canada
ACIM student
I first read “Proof of Heaven”. Recommended it to friends. Then I learned of “Map of Heaven” and read it quickly, couldn’t put it down for long. That was just last week. Now I’m reading “Living a Mindful Universe”. I’m a slow reader so, it takes time but, I’m loving it. I also started my daily meditation last week with the Sacred Acoustics Om sounds. Still looking for guidance so, this 33 day course is important. I will now start my daily meditations and pay attention to my natural pattern of breathing. Thank you so very much, Eben and Karen.
As I sit here waiting for my “Customized Brain Stint” I hope for Inner healing. I had a stroke six weeks ago. There was not any damage. But, the doctors found a huge Aneurysm in my brain scans. So, I am just trying to have peace with the situation. I hope your program can provide. I come out of the Medical Profession and fear I do not have much time left.I have lot of strange occurrences in my journey. Two years ago I had a Heart Attack. A researcher I knew in college did the Radiogram. He stated I had a very new Spontaneous by-pass that should have not happened. The stroke brought to light the Aneurysm. So, something is keeping me here. I search for answers and peace.
I appreciate this website. I have had had several experiences starting at age 5, then age 8, then late teens, age 25… and a few others connecting w spirit as an adult over the years. All of these experiences es tie in with and support philosophies of universal love and wisdom. I have been on a quest since childhood to realize my own spiritual purpose both as a sole and also as part of the whole…
Thank you for this venue🙏
Regular practice of going within is crucial – it’s connecting to who you really are – don’t get worked up about stilling your thoughts but just allow them to float freely in your mind, just concentrate on your breath in and out, in and out. Relax and enjoy the experience and with regular time you will come slowly and steadily to a state of calmness and connection. Above all enjoy it and don’t set expectations that you will have a blinding flash of insight, you are remembering who you truly are, be patient….
Thank you.
This is Mindfulness Mediation espoused by Jon Kabat Zinn and is a very very good start. Was in his 8 week session and it is something everyone should practice daily.
Lesson 1 is very simple to achieve but difficult to still the mind. It is a start toward being able to do so.
So true.
But the point ISNT to still the mind, it is to OBSERVE it. That is a common misconception.
I appreciate the distinction, Because that is exactly what I was trying to do… Looking forward to getting comfortable with this
Thank you Eben and Karen. My father passed away in July 2007 at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach. We often spent time at the fun zone on the Balboa peninsula. My Mom’s name is Betty. When I read about Eben’s Betsy photo in Chapter 35 taken near the Balboa Island Ferry, which I have ridden many times, I felt an instant connection to Eben. Numerous names in Proof of Heaven coincide with numerous names in my life, especially the multiple people with the same name (sometimes first name, middle name or last name, although Eben doesn’t disclose the middle names in PoH). I listed to the Om download for several nights, and the night of Day 1, I had a third dream of my father. The first on the night he transitioned he spoke “AMRAK” (astral plane is backwards – analogy is a mirror). Second dream is too personal to disclose in a forum, as is the third dream, which was last night of Day 1. I used to walk to the beach (I lived behind Hoag hospital up on the bluff – about 20 minute walk) 4-5 nights a week to clear my mind to sleep, and I used to sometimes stop at Hoag hospital just to walk thru the hospital to feel his presence where he passed in the ICU on the 5th floor, and I noticed a newspaper that I picked up to read later. In that paper was the article on Proof of Heaven, which I then ordered thru Amazon on December 16, 2012. I can’t wait for the next 32 days. I’m on page 5 of Living in a Mindful Universe. I’m in Portland now, I pray you guys will return to the Pacific Northwest one day, if not Portland maybe Seattle? Thank you Dr. Alexander for using your valuable time to deliver your story, which I believe 100%. DaveS
Sorry, I can’t seem to insert a comment except as a reply. I have some albums by J. S. Epperson with binaural beats and am wondering if ok to listen to this while meditating? Seems to help me focus and not skitter off track so much.
Yes, you may listen to anything you wish (we introduce Sound on Day 6). However, we do recommend also meditating in silence in order to discern firsthand the difference.
Thank You for offering this. I must confess I am a natural skeptic. I think it comes from the pessimist in me. Believing that death is the end of consciousness is the most depressing thing I can think of. As I became older I started to fear that may be true. I believed that heaven is real in my younger years. When I stopped believing that God and heaven are real it was devastating to say the least. Til this day I cling to a hope that there is an afterlife. One reason for that is because I’ve experienced premonitions a few times. It seems like a premonition would be impossible unless I am connected to something greater. It makes me wonder about “spooky action at a distance”. I am going to keep an open mind and go through this 33 day course to the best of my ability.
Repetition is an important key in any form of achievement. As they say ‘Practice makes Perfect’. We know this is true in the outer world but especially true going within with much great results. I find that just chipping away daily on something you really want to achieve creates surprising results – meditation, mindful activities, being aware of your feelings and building a new future.
Thanks, Alexander and Karen for oportunity talk to you directlyI. I read your book (it was translated ro Lithuanian) and found out about your (Eben) esperiences because I am interest in it. My first meditation day was maybe 1-2 years ago and I am doing it every time when I need to rebuild my body with spiritual energy and to make my mind calm.
The first time of my meditation I lay on the sofa and first time in my life I felt BEYING but not body as material thing. I made my every muscle relaxed, I tried to BE but not to think or imagine my lieing. I didn’t see colors. A time disappeared. After I opened my eyes I felt rested and strange – this firs time I realized what it mean a meditation. Right now I know that this is very useful thing for everybody of us, for me it mean – how to feel a life. My life is at first beying, feeling, state of mind. I doing my notice every day because I every day discover oething new for me on my growing, perfection way. I am going to do notice.
Day 1, 20 minutes lying down. Did some breathing exercise, and then was still. Said a couple of prayers and focused on God. The color green started coming in turning into a blue green, then some red. Mind started going other places so went back to focusing on God. Color green started coming back in, each time my mind wondered I would bring my focus back to God. Before I knew it 20 minutes was up.
You seeing color is interesting. I can tell when I am more relaxed when I see a purplish blue to blue/green.
I saw green too. It was kind of color explosion.
Started the course over today to Day 1 because I wanted the continuous flow of the journey into the heart of consciousness. After reading the great comments, I went to do my first practice at the ocean in my car with both windows quarter open to hear the dynamic ocean sound. As I closed my eyes and focused on my breath, I felt a sense of relief… a surrendering, letting go of fear and stress. The cool breeze intermittently fanned my face and refreshed me. What came to me was that everything is in constant motion. Also thoughts came and went and I seen how easy it was to build stories around them. “God is Good” emerged… noticed that my breathing was rapid and then slowed down… possible some light sleep time. 39 minutes had passed and this was remarkable for me because how hectic life has been with all that has been going on.
Thank you for this
Winter of 2011 I was diagnosed with stage four oat (small) cell lung cancer and given weeks to live. My sweetheart of 60 years was affected as some can imagine. We read “Proof” and “Map” several times and because of the revealatory comfort, sent copies to children and close friends. I have been a practicing Christian since childhood and bear no shame from this creed. When I look and human nature to see THE CHRIST, I am dissuaded….so my comfort was in the following of the pneumas alethia, or spiritual Christ. This was comforting, but when your experience,Eban, came to me, I was comforted in the ” proof” that the physical cranium does not house the human soul. Today I mark as cancer free for six years, which I attribute to prayers and an ancient native American tea.( four herb tea). As you, a physician know, oat cell is listed as ” incurable ”
While recuperating I yearned for an NDE but it didn’t happen. The knowledge that a perfect world awaits…. cannot be fully understood or appreciated. Thanks
Praise the Lord… Would you share the ancient native American tea that you drank please. Thank you, Shirley
He may be referring to
“essiac tea” popularized by Rene Caisse, a nurse in Canada who offered this Native Tea to people who had Cancer, and a written letter from their doctors saying “there was nothing more Western Medicine could offer.” She offered it for free, and was hounded by certain parts of the medical and legal establishment, but supported by other members of these same establishments. Here’s a great book about her story, showing when people oriented towards true helping those in need, clash with those oriented towards profit, or close minded ideas of what treatments are effective. It has the recipe that you can blend yourself to save money. It’s always good to be working with a Naturopath, Herbalist, Integrative Physician or other skilled Health Practitioner. Remember that there are many different ways to heal, and each person must find what works best for them. You may need to make changes at several levels to get fully well. However, it’s great to know about Essiac Tea. I hope Richard can share his experiences and what helped him. Here’s to the Wellness of each person who participates and the people all around them, until we create a healthy Planet, with healthy people in Body, Mind & Spirit!
Essiac: A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy Paperback – January 5, 2004
by Cythia Olsen (Author), Jim Chan (Contributor), Christopher Gussa (Contributor)
Thanks for the day 1 exercise. My natural breathing pattern is quite inconsistent and tends to become rhythmic with conscious effort.
Yes, I have this problem too. Meditation instructions always say to notice the breaths without controlling them, but to me this is an oxymoron. Any time I am conscious of breathing, I immediately begin to control it. How do people manage this?
It is part of the challenge to learn to observe without controlling. The breath is a wonderful practice tool because it happens all day long, usually outside our conscious awareness. Placing attention on the breath is not the same as changing it with one’s will. You may also choose to repeat a phrase such as “Let Go” to release any need of control.
Thank you. Hard to switch off from outer distractions, and then when they subsided the inner distractions arose.
Sending love from Byron Bay Eben. so loved your UPLIFT presentation and do you remember the didgeridoo session we had in my house! OM indeed. looking forward to sharing with you and Karen and thanks for this generous program. Love Christopher Dean
Plus ‘All Is Well Unlimited’ is the coolest address!
Hi, Eben and Karen, happy to be able to travel with you for a while. LOVED the Proof of Heaven book.
I have discovered over the years that unceasing vigilance is required in order to stay in that blissful harmony of Presence. This 33 day journey has come along at EXACTLY the right time for me. Away I go again! Eben and Karen, thank you for listening to the whispers of the Universe. I am so thankful.
I am grateful for this opportunity to learn the practice of going within. More than 30 years ago I had my own NDE during a long spinal operation and to this day I can remember every detail of what happened during that event. However, as much as I strive and long to, I cannot seem to go back to that place. Maybe with your instructions I will finally make it there. Beginning today with Lesson One. Thank you. I send peace and love to all on this journey together.
Merci à tous et pour tout 🙂
Thank you so much for this great opportunity! I don’t really understand why the timing is right for me now, but I feel I am truly ready to get started on this journey! Very excited! Blessings and Love to all on their journey as well.
Eben, I am reading your book Proof of Heaven for the second time, then on to the new book Living in a Mindful Universe!! Your are a great writer, keep sharing your experiences and successes. Love your way,
Hello. I find I can meditate better if I listen to the sound of waves and focus only to wave sounds. Can I substitute this instead of focusing on my breathing, I find it difficult to breathe.
Thank you Eben and Karen – I am looking forward (and need) the next 33 days
Love this. I just taught a seminar yesterday on living in divine grace and surrendering to breath is one of the things the angels constantly beg people to do. So simple yet so powerful.
Thank you Eben and Karen,
Eben, I love your work/experience and look forward to getting to know you Karen.
With gratitude,
Felt my breath as the ebb and flow of the tide. Especially aware of the still point of the full breath and the empty breath. Thank you for spinning the wheel. S
The first night meditating I simply felt asleep. But that is okay for me.
Hi Bettina:
It’s not uncommon for new meditators to fall asleep. The body is natuarlly inclined to fall asleep when lying down. It is recommended that you either sit on a hard chair (i.e. dining room chair, not a sofa) or sit in the lotus (or half-lotus) position. If you are interested, you can view specific details on how to meditate on my website. I have been meditating for 17 years and teach yoga and meditation at my own a yoga studio. We have 12 yoga certified instructors, an acupuncture doctor of medicine (DOM) and six massage therapists (http://tawyoga.com/index.html). My website also has 3 sections on “How to meditate” (http://tawyoga.com/meditation.html; http://tawyoga.com/how-to-meditate.html; http://tawyoga.com/hong-sau-meditation.html). I hope this helps.
I am also a PhD candidate in Psychology writing my dissertation on Yoga and Meditation. Having read Dr. Eben Alexander’s book Proof of Heaven in 2012, I have followed all of his talks and interviews on YouTube. Being fairly new to Sacred Acoustics, I have been listening to the Exploration Bundle and The Healing Center for about a week. I have found that it to be positive and deepening my daily meditation a great deal.
Blessings and Namaste, Henry
I am so glad to hear that you will be a psychologist that is open to NDEs. I just read an article about the millions of veterans that have had NDEs that have no one to talk to because no psychologists are trained in that direction. As it stands now, people who have had NDEs are considered mentally ill.
I had a NDE as a child and was bullied about it. There were invisible beings that talked to me loudly in the house I existed in. I felt these beings and sometimes saw white floating shapes. I believe I channeled these beings because of the looks I got from people. I have heard someone speak for me when I did not know what to say. I knew that there was no such thing as death and must have said so. I was called a liar over and over. I became severely anti social. I had no one to call family except these energy beings. They also talked to me calmly with consideration for that raging, bitter, distant mother.
I still have found no one to talk to and my birth certificate says I am 63. I have tried several hypnotists and other counselors, but I have found no one with my experiences. People tend to want to see the way they want to see. So I have stopped choosing.
In my 20’s one of these voices told me to go talk to a man walking down the street. He had the book “Living the Infinite Way” by Joel Goldsmith in his apartment. He gave me this book because I was very interested in it. In this book was written “Where is God but within you?” This book gave me my first goosebumps of joy.
Channeled books became my favorites, especially Seth books. These books explain how quantum physics relates to people’s lives. It is as simple as protons spin as positive charges and electrons spin as negative charges. This info is not focused on in public schools as being important except in electricity classes. But people are 100% full of protons and neutrons and electrons. It matters very much that we are electrical beings, spinning, rotating, oscillating and resonating electrical beings. We are like batteries with a flow of energy charging us every moment. This flow of constant energy is that generator many call God or the matrix or the unified field. This is what the positive and negative mean to me. When I look at the pictures in the “Hands of Light” book written by the physicist Barbara Brennan, I see this flow of energy as flowing into us through the tops of our heads and then out through the middle of our legs. Brennan writes that we are eternal, electromagnetic, holographic, multidimensional energy light beings. She sees “people” as holograms.
Those of us with stiff joints cannot sit on the floor in any full or fractional lotus position. A Seiza (kneeling) bench works to keep me easily upright better than a chair does.
Agreed. I made one of these. https://www.westernchanfellowship.org/about-the-western-chan-fellowship/supplies/make-a-meditation-bench-zen-meditation/
Hello. Thank you for this opportunity. I in the Caribbean in the Dominican Republic. Awating to See What huracán Mary decides to do. Blessings for all
Am looking forward to this. I appreciate the group energy for meditating.
Thank you for this, looking forward to!
Hello from Canada, Eben and Karen!
Just received my Day 1 “Experience” session today, Sept. 19th. Looking forward to this journey. Thank you both for offering this opportunity for us. I have a lot to learn about slowing down my thoughts. I am a senior lady and just a beginner in meditation.
Already a daily meditator. Still finding it hard to keep an active mind from wandering. I notice it quickly and bring it back to the breath, but need to learn to let the stray thoughts go. Difficult.
Hello Eben and Karen: I wanted to thank so much for wanting to awaken so may dear hearts. I also wanted to share my meditation experience with you. As I concentrated on my breathing my body began to feel so light and expanded. I hear a high frequency or a ringing so to speak in my right ear so I used this as a connection to the universe. What a lovely meditation.
Thank you
Alice T.
When I try to focus on my breathing to meditate I find that I can achieve ot if I am imagining my self floating on water. I am not sure if that makes sense but will something like this interfere in my quality of meditation
Visualizations like this can be very useful and will not interfere in the quality of your meditation.
첫날은 그냥 조용히 묵상만 하면 되는 건가요? 자신의 숨을 느끼면서
Do you just have to meditate quietly on the first day? Feeling his breath
네, 시작할 수 있습니다. 여행에 오신 것을 환영합니다!
Yes, just that simple to start. Welcome to the Journey!
Peace and love!
I have meditated in the past and will start again with new regime because of this great chance to join with others–it helps motivate me. I walk a lot, both for the exercise and for the ‘lift’ I get by listening to uplifting music with some diurnal beat music mixed in. For some reason, doing this helps quiet my monkey mind and clears away the fog of fear and uncertainty, making clear thoughts and positive energy easier to access. Walking (I do it with poles) helps me breathe more readily, also. While I walk I sometimes float away from my present here and now and that is so delightful. Like a walking dream state. It is good that my path is paved and fairly straight! Today I will try meditating after walking, just to give it a try. Thanks, Eben and Karen for this free opportunity. Namaste!
What music do you use? I would like to try this!
Entering into the Akashic Field comes naturally as I set my intention to do so while taking a few cleansing breaths. I feel the movement of energy throughout my field, not only in my physical body. I am always able to enter the field, as it is energy and information and that is what we are, but the intensity with which I experience it is in direct correlation to how relaxed I am, physically and mentally. Thank you both for this journey. Peace to you.
thank you very much for this oppertunity ! love you all ! 🙂
Eben, I have read your books. Met you and Karen at Findhorn. Thank you for enabling our contact to continue via this series. Bless you both.
I have never been able to meditate. My mind wants to be in control of everything. I thought it would be simple to just concentrate on my breath, but it was not. I hope that, in time, you will give us some ideas on how we can do this. I must add that this is an especially difficult day, because I will be getting the results of a biopsy tomorrow, and I am particularly preoccupied. Maybe I should try again after I get them. Thank you for this course.
I hope the results of the biopsy come out for the best.
I’m no expert in this field, but one thing I have done when starting meditation was simply to bring a pad of paper and a pencil. When I am trying to calm my mind, if something pops into mind that is bothering me (or even if a good idea pops in that I don’t want to forget) I simply write it down, so I don’t have to worry about possibly forgetting it. I can come back to it later. Eventually, all of those loose ideas or worries get written down, and then I am able to settle into some more useful meditation/concentrated thought.
I used to do the same thing but eventually moved to a brain drain form of journaling before meditating. Rarely did anything pop up in meditation when I did that. I don’t do the Braun drain every day but have learned to recognize when it is necessary–when thought begin popping up like champagne bubbles during meditation!
Linda, what is a Braun drain?
Yes! The biopsy was benign! Thank you for your dea. I wilol giveit a try.
Thank you so very much for creating and providing this program for free. I am a regular meditator for several years and enjoy the connection between myself and the divine creator which renews my love and brings joy and peace into my life. I have received so many downloads and gifts through the years especially one where my ex fiancee who passed, showed me his many human faces (for his soul) that we had shared through infinity and where I felt his spirit come into me for a brief time when he had passed away.
I normally meditate in the morning, early, while it is quiet and again in the afternoon when I am alone, so it varies. Otherwise, it is right before bedtime when I retreat early. I record my dreams if they are significant, so I am looking forward to this new addition to my practice. Thank you for offering it.
Thank you Eben and Karen. I am full of gratitude for your kindness and devotion to bring peace joy and unconditional love to the world and for offering us this beautiful experience
Gassho Anne
I closed my eyes for about 15 minutes and thought about the process of breathing; of how the body takes in air into my lungs, extracts the oxygen into the blood. We exhale and begin the process again. And this will go on, day and night, until I take my last breath. I saw what looked like the entrance to a church, it was a pastel green brown in color, with indistinguishable lines
What kind of supreme being was able to contemplate and create such a process in all men and animals? It is a miracle of life. Thank you God.
A wonderful experiance of colors flow and change of my body posture. I could felt normalisation of my body vibe. I also experienced myself being much much bigger than I realy am. Almost 15 meters high.
My experience was in your book Map Of Heaven. In it I said I had a overwhelming feeling of euphoria. I now know what the feeling was. It was an extreme feeling of unconditional love and everything is OK for all of us.
My gratitude (a divine quality) knows no bounds. Your industrious energy and obvious devotion to informing people everywhere of the truths you’ve discovered is amazing. I’m honored to be a small part of this endeavor.
Yes, making your own experience is invaluable. Thanks for sharing your work!
Thank you again Eben and Karen, this journey coincides perfectly with the start of my 1.5 year training as a mindfulness trainer at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Our aim is to bring mindfulness into the mainstream education of young (and old ) medical students and professionals . As a medical doctor ( specialist ) and teacher I have already seen the huge benefits of mindfulness in daily practice.
Wishing us all a wonderful journey together.
A journey into the heart of anything is always an illuminating original adventure, delightful personal experiment, and great fun.
I love how the 33 days leads right up to the publication date for the book. It’s going to be huge, for sure! So happy to join others here on this journey of life and discovery. Looking forward to how this all unfolds. Thank you Eben and Karen for offering this opportunity!
I have searched many years to truly find who I am. I came upon Dr. Alexander’s talk and felt that this was where I need to be. Will begin meditating and I am blessed to be with all of you at this time.
I just finished twenty minutes of concentrating on my breathing. I found it almost impossible to keep from day dreaming. Each time I realized my mind was wandering I would try to push out all thoughts and just concentrate on breathing. All but impossible. My mind wants to go like a freight train! I finally relaxed enough but then I dozed off.
It’s great you finally got to a relaxed place. We will be introducing various ways to address this issue starting tomorrow. Welcome to the Journey.
It has been a year since I have been devoting 1 hr. of meditation practice based on the suggestion of The Infinite Way path by Joel Goldsmith.
It is amazing how I see the changes happening like my day runs smoother, I am more aware and grateful for so many things, I am mindful that Spirit is in everyone I meet regardless of the form. It helps me be less judgemental. I feel more peaceful and my spiritual practice has become central to my day. I read the book a couple of years ago and it really felt like Truth to me and it was so helpful due to the fact that all my family and those friends that I had so much harmony with are now gone from view. I know now “All is Well” with them and I know I will see them whenever it is my time to leave.
I am grateful for this course and like minded people here. Thank you Dr. Alexander for reaching out to us with this website and this course.
Love, & Gratitude,
I was also led to Joel Goldsmith and his teachings(from 50 years ago!) which emphasize meditation. How in sync Eben and Karen are in this practice. Awesome and amazing to find the truth lies within us isn’t it?!
It is so heart warming to see so many awakening souls getting involved and helping each other on this fascinating journey of discovery! We hope you will find the range of topics and degree of immersion in this 33 day course to be valuable in your personal journey of growth and understanding. Welcome to all!
Dear Eben Alexander M.D. and Karen Newell!
Thank You so much for inviting me to this self-reflection and support each other!
I used to pray every morning, but I can feel the community with others, who attend this course!
God bless You!
Noémi Mák
/Hungary, Budapest/
Already feeling/resonating with this timely course. Thank you so much for providing it and giving so many the opportunity to come together etherically. This fits perfectly with my road trip to learn about anyone and everyone who are participating in Conscious Evolution. My trip begins Thursday.
I have been so blessed and my life enriched by Dr. Eben Alexaner’s book and Map of Heaven CD’s. I am constanly promoting his brilliant and inspired material.
Thank you Dr. Alexander, for this new journey minfulnes and consious awarenes.
Priscilla Peluso, Sacramento, California
“When the student is ready the teacher appears.” Started today with 20 mins. before starting my busy day. 10 mins. into exercise I experienced color mauve evolved to violet. I felt a strong presence of Jesus facing me up close.
I look forward to this adventure in discovery. Thank you for your books and sharing what you both have discovered and experienced.
Excited about this journey! I am looking forward to new ways to practice contemplation and journey within! Thanks so much for this!
I have been involved in a Course in Miracles study path for
the last five years and when I read Eben’s first book was quite amazed how his experiences lined up with the teachings. I look forward to doing this course and reading the book. Love is all there is.
David Lewis
Welcome to the Journey! It’s so wonderful to read all of your comments from around the world – beginners and experienced alike. We are beyond thrilled that you have joined us. Everyone’s experience will be unique and it is always helpful to know what others are going through, so we encourage you to continue sharing.
i am new in and on this Journey! Thanks for all the help on this Journey!
will do my best !
As a spiritual aspirant for many years, I find myself in a place the alchemists might call mortification – a dying to the old. Recently leaving a spiritual community I belonged to for ten years, I have gone still – no meditation, no rituals, no practice…just…still. When I received the invitation to join Mr. Alexander’s 33 day journey, I was intrigued. It seems my interest is keenly drawn to the razor’s edge where spirituality and science meet, a, I feel, they must do.
So…first day – sit quietly and notice your natural breathing patterns. Sounds easy. But just as a professional dancer will find a basic beginner’s class the most challenging, noticing one’s breath without automatically beginning to shape it, is rather difficult. But as the time went by – it began to get out of my own way and just let my breath be. Instantly my consciousness began to shift, to deepen. Ahhhhh…it feels so good.
Thank you Eben. I think perhaps, this journey with you may bring me back to the world of the living.
Way too early to type. Please forgive the various typos.
Day 1. 15 min meditation: breathing deep a rapid to stat with, after five mins slowed down. Thoughts enter my mind, but had no finish to them. My body started to feel light.
Colours started to appear, yellow and light mauve. Startled by the phone. After meditation I felt really calm.
Breathing deep in and out, like filling up with light. Getting warm as my heart envisions this round of people, seeing all of us connected through that warm light. Thankful for this beautiful picture. Greetings from Germany
I have read both of Ebon’s books, several times. I play them in the car on long drives when I have a captive audience. I went to Portland to see him speak at the Afterlife conference after I read Proof of Heaven, for the first time. This book has transformed my experience of every death that I have ever been associated with. Even when my 95 year old father passed, I was happy for him in his transition. I have recommended this book and given this book to Many Many people. Absolutely everyone should read this book. I cannot wait for the next book, in 33 days. I was initially introduced to this book by a TM teacher. I have been practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM) since 1975, twice a day, for 20 min. I don’t think that I would be alive today without it.
I have heard Dr. Alexander and Karen Newell speak at the Theosophical Society in Wheaton, IL, on several occasions; two were all-day events. The partnership between Eben and Karen, each with their own unique expertise, is a joy to behold. I look forward to this course and to the book. I have read Dr. A’s previous books more than once, and am eager to learn what follows.
Emocionada y agradecida por empezar este viaje de la mano del doctor Alexander!…. Abierta a estas nuevas vivencias y aprendizajes. Gracias! Bendiciones para todos!
I will be sure and complete this tonight. I, too, have read Dr. Alexander’s books, “Proof of Heaven,” (5x) and “Map of Heaven.” Such a compelling and moving account of what comes next. Looking forward to this endeavor. Thank you.
I am struggling with difficult emotions and finding it difficult to be grateful for having so much that so many do not have, for being so privileged while others have no access to the world in which I live, for being one of the few that have more than their fair share. I am hoping that this process will help me connect with my essence, my true self and start to transcend that place from which my difficult feelings arise.
We had Unity World Day of Prayer today, so this was a good day to begin! There was gong meditation, singing meditation, and singing bowl meditation. Great space!
Day 1 experience:
Worm energy around belly button chakra, indigo waves seen by mind eye, a few scattered words, unfinished sentence.
Drifting into a napping state and full awakening exactly after 20 min.
I’ve had a daily meditation practice for a few years, and it has truly changed my life.
It’s always great to find new ways to expand my understanding of the amazing human mind. Thank you, Dr. Alexander.
I too was mesmerized by when reading Proof of Heaven. Also when I watched and recorded his conversation with Opra Winphrey a couple years ago. I invite best friends to watch this conversation with me frequently if ever the topic comes up while they’re visiting. For me, it’s like watching it for the first time each time. Such an amazing story.
Recently I purchased Eben’s and Karen’s wonderful video Seeking Heaven and once, while meditating, everything that appeared to me while meditating developed a face. Every tree, every wall, every fence, everything developed a face and all of these faces smiled at me as I focused on them and each expressed their love for me. Now these were not necessarily pretty faces but each of their expression of love for me was unmistakable. As the meditation concluded clarity came to me that All Things are God and His love is in all things. And that God is pure Love. It was an amazing meditation.
If only we knew.
And yet we do.
On a different level.
Never give up.
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I live with my wife Loredana in Frankfurt Germany. We are so thankful to people that offer their experience to others advantage. We are both on a journey to a deeper understanding of our identity, after a long and dry path through a spiritual desert as Jehovah’s Wittnesses. Let’s start this 33 days toghether.
In deep Love
Really grateful for this 33 day journey. I have read Proof of Heaven and Map of Heaven and heard Dr Alexander and Karen in London which was an amazing experience. I do practice meditation before the day begins on a regular basis and try and practice mindfulness during the day. To me the almost daily synchronicities are verification that we are always supported on our spiritual journey.
When I first started a daily meditation practice more than 40 years ago, I used to tell people that I was just ‘sitting quietly’. It was a simple way of explaining what I was doing that removed triggers associated with the mystic unknown. One of the major obstacles to your practice will be the unconscious or conscious push back by your family, friends and the inertia of the Gregorian calendar which is continually whispering in your ear, ‘time is money’…
Thank you for this simple step on day 1!
I have been into energy healing work since 1998 so i totally understand about maintaining my energy with a regular practice of meditation. I read Proof of Heaven couple years ago. I started listening to sacred acoustics’ free download of Om for last 5-6 weeks. Love it!!! I have been sleeping really deep from the day 1 of listening to this and my focus, intuition & creativity have taken a leap within couple of weeks. I also started listening to Light Body!!!
So looking forward to these 33 days!
Thanks so much for creating this wonderful journey! I love breathwork and Osho meditation practices and was very amazed last night to hear Hillary Clinton telling CNN’s Anderson Cooper that she practices yoga and alternate nostril breathing–marking a real Sea Change for political leaders
I have been a student of the A Course in Miracles for over 25 years. As a result, I do have an understanding of consciousness on a deeper level. I have read Proof of Heaven and Map of Heaven and felt compelled to write to Dr. Alexander about two years ago because I loved his story which truthfully, did not surprise me although I was mesmerized by it. I am delighted to be able to continue on a path with Dr. Alexander through this 33 day journey into the heart of consciousness.
It’s so simple! I”m very curious about next steps
Hello Dear People, thank you so much for the beginning of this time together. I must confess that I do not deliberately set aside regular time every day for meditation. But I am aware at various times in the day, of a presence. For example; sitting on the bus to Gloucester one day Summer of 2016 this was given to me.
“I am a gem in the cloak of God, As His cloak glides through the Universe, He has adorned Himself with the Love created. The gems glitter and reflect the Glory.” Something else.
“Everything is talking to us all the time and to everyone. There is interconnection and promptings at play. When we send out energy of any kind it is received not only by the intended recipient, but sensed, even unconsciously by others. Depending upon the intent, this can be for the best and worst of reception.” So amidst either passengers trying to cope with the journey or snoozing or chatting, I am aware of another “buzz.” I am going to enjoy another buzz here, for sure!
Wow Margret, thanks for shating this insight. I had exactly this same awareness a few years ago while driving in my car to my work.
My name is Saira Moeniralam and i live in the Netherlands.
I want to thank Eben en Karen also for this wonderful opportunity to share all this together and to be on this splendid journey together. Enjoy the ride !