Seeking Heaven

Sound Journeys into the Beyond

The #1 bestseller Proof of Heaven has already touched millions of lives, turning skeptics into believers in the existence of a universal dimension characterized by peace, acceptance and unconditional love that is accessible to all of us.

In the closing pages of Proof of Heaven, Dr. Alexander writes that he uses meditation audio programs to achieve the altered state of mind that enables him to return to the idyllic realm he describes in the book, and suggests that readers and listeners can use similar audio programs to alter their consciousness and achieve comparable results.

In Seeking Heaven, Dr. Alexander presents four thirty-minute audio meditations produced specifically to support and enhance the experience of readers and listeners of Proof of Heaven who want to access the brain state of blissful higher consciousness and that he attained during his near-death experience. Developed and presented with audio meditation specialist Karen Newell, co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, these four sounds journeys combine digital harmonic frequencies, sacred instruments, sounds from nature and the human voice to help listeners recreate the four stages of Dr. Alexander’s miraculous spiritual experience: “Everything is a Vibration,” “Thinning the Veil,” “Shift Your Perspective,” and “Connecting with Source.”

These journeys to the spiritual core of existence are designed to help you separate yourself from day-to-day concerns and find out about your true self, appreciate the nature of our interconnectedness, and access a transcendent understanding of hope, comfort, forgiveness and love. With Seeking Heaven, Dr. Alexander helps you get in touch with the profound wisdom imparted in the spiritual realms he visited and experience it in your own life.

The Authors

Eben Alexander, MD, was an academic neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston, with a passionate interest in physics and cosmology. He is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Proof of Heaven and The Map of Heaven.

Karen Newell is a life-long seeker of esoteric wisdom and has amassed a wealth of firsthand experience exploring realms of consciousness. Cofounder of Sacred Acoustics, she teaches how to enter and engage with expanded awareness in order to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and enhance intuition.

Audio Sample

What People Are Saying

“While I had positive expectations buying these sound journeys, after reading Dr. Alexander’s Proof of Heaven, listening to EMDR recordings, and various different sound based meditation techniques, including spending time with monks in a Cistercian monastery, and working guided meditations in a Buddhist retreat, this was the first that I found to be as moving as it was.

Have only listened to CD 1 and 2 so far and twice found the experience to be more intense than any other I have heard. Let me be clear, this is a positive experience. Found that both times in the sessions needed to stop and take a deep breath or two to be able to continue. Suspect that the process of letting go triggered an anxiety response at the moment.

In both monastery and in retreat the time to reach a centered relaxed yet attentive state from arrival was far longer than listening to this cd set for me. Am not yet able to vocalize precisely the experience and will work on that for a later update, however in the meantime feel tremendously centered and present – more so than while listening to any other CD set to date.”

5-Star Review by D. Edge