Living in a Mindful Universe: Journey into the Heart of Consciousness
Sept 28-30, 2018: Weekend Workshop Retreat with Dr. Eben Alexander & Karen Newell
There is much more to life than what we see, hear, smell, touch, and taste. Conventional science has limited “reality” to the proof of our external senses. But consciousness underlies all of existence, and the spiritual realm is a collective truth that can no longer be dismissed—and that can be accessed by each of us.
Any true vision of health must include not only the physical, mental, and emotional realms, but most importantly, the spiritual. Choices and outcomes are transformed by a greater awareness through strong heart connection and soul perspective.
Dive into infinite awareness and integrate the soul’s journey with daily life through reflection, discussion, and embodied exploration. Access profound insights from your personal experience and how you twine with an evolving consciousness. In this illuminating workshop you will:
* Explore non-conventional definitions of brain and consciousness
* Learn about “brain entrainment” and how it is effective
* Experience advanced Sacred Acoustic tools in group sound journeys
* Practice sound meditation and discover meditation’s benefits for daily, conscious well-being
* Activate the heart’s crucial role in balancing the linguistic brain.
* Transcend the limits of the physical-material human brain to awaken your inner knowing and the deep interconnectedness of all existence with your own fundamental nature—because the answers truly lie within us all.