April 16-19, 2020
Helping Parents Heal has postponed this conference until it is advisable to host public events. They have posted a detailed notice for anyone who has already registered, regarding refunds and hotel reservations. Please read their notice: https://www.helpingparentsheal.org/resources/events/2020-helping-parents-heal-conference-postponed/#event_1819
When this event is rescheduled, it will again be posted on our Events Page. Thank you for your interest.
Conference to feature a lecture and workshop with Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell
Other keynote speakers include: Suzanne Giesemann, Susanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium, Jeffery Olsen, Dr. Jeffrey O’Driscoll, Drs. Gloria and Heidi Horsley, Dr. Raymond Moody, David Kessler, Paul Denniston, Dr. Mary Neal, Mark Anthony, Jake Samoyedny, Tina Powers, Christine Salter, Maureen Hancock, Jamie Clark, Rick and Beth Olsen, David Router, Mark Ireland, Ernie Jackson, Nicole Reilly, Kim Griffin, Kat Baillie, Michelle Clare, and Fara Gibson and Dr. Mark Pitstick.